Sunday, October 25, 2015

Quantum Health News

Mindfulness acknowledged as a valid medical practice

conscious Mindfulness practices as we know them today are rooted in 2500-year-old Buddhist meditation practices and are often described as "...paying attention to the present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is". Herbert Benson, MD, founder of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, is often credited with bringing mindfulness into the realm of Western medicine. His 1975 book The Relaxation Response outlined techniques to combat the harmful effects of stress with relaxation methods similar to meditation.

These practices didn't stay lodged in the 1970s like a macramé plant holder, however. Several structured mindfulness programs have since been developed and are being implemented in clinical practice. One of these is mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, MPH, founding executive director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, as reported in the Journal of American Medical Association.

From the quantum living viewpoint, this is a no-brainer. When we keep our attention fully in the present moment, with allowance of everything that is there, all the information about anything is available. This includes communications from the body. The body is constantly reporting to you on its condition--we call that "symptoms". Most of us have been trained to ignore or get rid of symptoms without getting to the cause of them. In order to find out the cause of symptoms in the body, a mindfulness practice is essential. Be there with the symptom(s). Ask them what they are, and what you can do to make the body more comfortable of pain free. This takes some practice, but after a while, you'll be getting very clear action point messages. Then the key, of course, is to respond and carry out any tasks indicated.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Talk to your body. It's alive, it's conscious. In fact, talk to your plants, certainly your animals, and believe it or not, communicate with other inanimate objects in your life, such as your car, your clothes, your computer, your furniture. You will be surprised at what comes up! Use our Cosmic Eye gem elixir to amplify your intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies.

Acupressure point hooks you up to higher power

shen men Referred to in Traditional Chinese Medicine as the Shen Men point, or "heavenly gate", this technique is invaluable for pain relief, inflammation, concentration difficulties, stress, and a host of other conditions and symptoms.

To treat the point, simply put your fingers behind both ears and thumbs pressing in on the top of the ear (see pic). Massage gently, while taking 3-5 deep, slow breaths. Do this once or twice a day (or more if you're having a bad one), and especially before bedtime.

The point is called the "Heavenly Gate" because it opens the body to higher spiritual energies, connecting the body to its source energy. Shen Men is a profound, marvelous point for heightening your body's overall wellness, and is a great "hack" for health over the long term.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our E-4 Ionic Mineral subtle energy formula connects the upper and lower energy centers of the body, and is a wonderful supplement for the immune system and nervous system. Taken in conjunction with using the Shen Men acupressure point technique, both are amplified and given a quantum leap in potency.

DNA discovered to be a carrier of memories

DNA memories New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. During the tests they learned that that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences--in this case a fear of the smell of cherry blossom--to subsequent generations.

According to the Telegraph, Dr Brian Dias, from the department of psychiatry at Emory University, said: "From a translational perspective, our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations. Such a phenomenon may contribute to... disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder."

This suggests that experiences are somehow transferred from the brain into the genome, allowing them to be passed on to later generations. The researchers now hope to carry out further work to understand how the information comes to be stored on the DNA in the first place. They also want to explore whether similar effects can be seen in the genes of humans.

Professor Marcus Pembrey, a pediatric geneticist at University College London, said the work provided "compelling evidence" for the biological transmission of memory.

He added: "[This research] addresses the controversial subject of transmission of the 'memory' of ancestral experience down the generations. It is high time public health researchers took human transgenerational responses seriously."

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: From a quantum perspective, this research and more broadly the science of epigenetics, is supported by the phenomena of quantum entanglement--where two quantum particles become "entangled" or share identical information without physical connection. Our intrepid quantum researcher, Dr. Yury Kronn, uses this very mechanism to infuse quantum information from one source into another. This is particularly interesting with our Trinity Gem Elixirs. Use the search tool to find the right gem elixirs for you.

Company & Product News

NEW from Pure Energy Rx: Subtle Energy Infused Himalayan Salt Lamps
Infused Salt Lamps This new application of subtle energy infusion into a Himalayan Salt Lamp has catapulted the natural benefits of salt lamps to a whole new level. We have infused the lamps with harmonizing, stabilizing subtle energies that greatly heighten the similar existing properties of the lamps, making the experience of the lamps a palpable and impressive one. Put one in the office or TV room to neutralize EMF, or "electro-smog". Put one in the bedroom for a soothing night light and negative ions for a restful sleep.

These lamps are approximately 12 inches tall, direct from Nepal, include an off-on rocker switch on an A/C cord, 4-watt light bulb, and a wooden base, $39.95. (MORE INFO)

Ayurvedic Bath Salts from Candice Covington
dosha bath salts The ancient healing system of Ayurvedic Medicine observed that there were three basic types of energies ("doshas") in and around the human body: Air, Fire and Earth. All imbalances could be addressed by observing how the body responded and expressed these three energy states. When the body was fully balanced it was considered "tri-doshic". Our brilliant aromatherapist, Candice Covington, has developed bath salts that balance the various doshas. These wonderfully aromatic and energetic salts will melt away your stress and invigorate your energy. Oooooo...nice! (MORE INFO)
Gem Elixir for the Month

"Stone of Happy Dreams and Changes"

Spiritually: Enhances cosmic consciousness and stimulates mystical experiences. It enhances meditation and aligns the etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Stimulates intuition and creativity.

Emotionally: Amplifies and brings things to the surface for transformation. Associated with love and passion it intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Enhances self-worth and helps you to understand your full potential.

Mentally: Brings lightness and spontaneity and encourages an interest in the arts. Strengthens memory.

Physically: Strengthens the will to live. May help Parkinson's disease, and infections; may help purify the blood and kidneys, may regulate insulin, may ease childbirth, and PMS. May be beneficial to the eyes.

Opal Trinity Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code OPAL30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 11/5/15).

This Quantum Life

The Choice Trap

choice Our most powerful tool, choice, is also our most abused and unused. This basic mechanism of consciousness is the direct demonstration to ourselves of our power and powerlessness. Are we choosing the best life? Are we choosing to destroy it? Are we not making choices because we're afraid? Are we afraid of any choices at all?

These are really deeply existential questions that get at the core of what we are: creators. We create our life only by using choice. In fact, making choices is something so natural, so automatic, we oftentimes don't realize that we are choosing the pain, discomforts and unwanted conditions we "live with" on the day-to-day. We tell ourselves, "We have no choice" about this, that and the other.

I like to call this the Choice Trap. We pretend we're not choosing and things get bad or worse, and then we suddenly realize we "have no choice" but to...(fill in the blank). My spiritual teacher once told me, "Choosing is an exercise in paying attention. Be aware of what you choose, because it's the only way you're going to get what you want." At the time I laughed at this seemingly obvious statement, but later I realized it was quite profound. There are so many "choices" we make in the form of choosing to "go along" with others, or choosing to procrastinate, or choosing to not do what you know needs to be done, or choosing not to think about your life. These are, often times, unconscious choices that become a sort of operating manual for life.

We can too easily choose to be a victim, or choose to look outside ourself for causes, or choose to be "right" as opposed to "correct". In fact, most of our psychology is constructed on the choices we've made to embrace or deny our values. What's the more important choice? Being right or being compassionate? Being truthful or secretive? All of these types of questions point out what we are choosing any given day.

A friend of mine visited last week on vacation, and said, "It's been so nice to be on vacation. I don't have to make any decisions--I just go wherever I want and do whatever I want." To him, making a decision was a big deal, and yet he was making choices the entire time of his vacation as to where to go and what to do. He didn't think of these kinds of choices as being significant. And yet, these are the kinds of decisions that get us from Point A to Point B every day, and are the key to living the highest and best life we can imagine.

follow energy There are a couple of "choosing hacks" I like to use to keep me mindful of the choices I'm making moment to moment. One is, "light or heavy". Say you've narrowed your choices down to two. Ask the question, "is this light or heavy"? One of the choices will seem lighter than the other one, or if they both seem heavy, there is another unacknowledged possibility you aren't considering. If they are both feeling light, well, then, have fun! Always favor lightness. It will serve as your North Star for navigating through your day.

The second choosing hack is "follow the energy". This is similar to favoring lightness, but it's much more specific. Get the idea of something you want to have. Feel the energy of that as though you have it. Now, start choosing the things to do in your day or week that make you feel that same energy. Before too long, you will have that thing you originally wanted, and usually more. It's the "act as if" drill applied to energies.

So, carefully observe every time you make a decision, no matter how small or inconsequential. You'll begin to see where you've actually decided to have the life you have. And once that awareness dawns, you can change it by using your most powerful tool: Choice.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin, President

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Quantum Health News for Oct. 7, 2015

Scientists explore consciousness as a state in all things...

conscious Consciousness. It is the force that makes us tick, the cogent drive that makes you "you." It is our state of consciousness that bestows us with awareness and sensitivity to our surroundings, the ability to think for the future and remember the past, the ability to acknowledge one another as intelligent individuals, and much more. But what exactly is consciousness? MIT Physicist, Max Tegmark, believes he has found the answer to this question.

Web published this year in the Cornell University arXiv, Tegmark's paper titled "Consciousness as State of Matter" explores the possibility that consciousness is a form of matter, "perceptronium," that has unique information processing abilities. Just as ordinary matter requires specific conditions to assume each respective states, consciousness matter too has its variety of forms that it can take, each form resulting in a different state of consciousness. This is not to say that there is a small reservoir of solidifying, evaporating, liquefying, fluid in your brain that is dictating your cognition, but rather, particular conditions of the mind combine to produce a given state of consciousness.

In recent years, it has been believed that since a consciousness must be able to store, retrieve, and process information and exist as a unified whole, it cannot be broken down into smaller parts. This, however, is not the case, argues Tegmark. The individual traits of conscious are calculable. The traits of perceptonium are comprised of the four basic principles deemed essential in waking consciousness: the information, integration, independence, and dynamics principles, for each of which he offers explicit detail in his paper. Tegmark believes that the activity levels of each of the traits can vary, each combination resulting a unique state of consciousness.

Combine these concepts with the findings of other physicists of "Dark Matter" or "subtle energy", and the conclusion can be drawn that consciousness is a fundamental state of all matter.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Talk to your body. It's alive, it's conscious. In fact, talk to your plants, certainly your animals, and believe it or not, communicate with other inanimate objects in your life, such as your car, your clothes, your computer, your furniture. You will be surprised at what comes up! Use our Cosmic Eye gem elixir to amplify your intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies.

Visualizing for health

Visualization Dr. Emma Mardlin, a psychotherapist and practitioner of mind body medicine at the Pinnacle Practice in West Bridgford, says, "As the mind generally thinks in pictures, using good strong imagery can have a magnificent effect in terms of engraving positive messages deep in our neurology to effect desired physical change.

"One reason for this is because the part of the mind responsible for running and maintaining our body 24/7 on autopilot is unable to recognize the difference between what is real and not real, if we visualize something with enough detail and clarity. An example of this principle is if you’ve ever had a very realistic, vivid dream and you’ve woken up either crying, laughing, disturbed or even unsettled by it. Although 'just a dream', it has nevertheless stimulated a physical response; your body has believed it to be true and thus responded accordingly. We can therefore utilize visualization to assist in the healing process, changing our mood, activating physical changes, and achieving various goals."

One small example where visualization has helped in the healing process is a case documented in 1971 by Dr O.Carl Simonton – a radiologist at the University of Texas. The case involved a 61-year-old man diagnosed with throat cancer. The disease was so far progressed the man could hardly swallow and he was severely underweight. This man's prognosis was very poor, giving him only a five per cent chance of survival after treatment, though it was strongly anticipated he wouldn’t respond well to radiation due to already being so weak. However, Dr Simonton was curious to try a psychological approach using visualization. The patient did as was suggested and vizualised his immune system attacking the cancer and sweeping the cancer cells from his body, replacing them with healthy ones. The patient went away and applied this at regular intervals throughout the day.

In applying this, the tumor shortly began to shrink and his response to radiation was almost free of side-effects; after two months the tumor was completely gone. This same patient then visualized away his arthritis, remaining free of this condition and the cancer, thus resuming a regular healthy life.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our Success & Achievement Elixir increases mental focus, enhances social presence, and improves confidence and mood. It is an excellent assistant for visualization practices.

The body heals itself, but not if it's stressed...

self-healing As a skeptic herself, Dr. Lissa Rankin makes an irrefutable case, documenting with cold, hard science that the medical establishment has been proving that the mind can heal the body for over 50 years.

Loads of data proves that the mind can believe itself well. In clinical trials, we call it "the placebo effect." Patients treated with placebos don’t just feel better. It's not just "in their heads." They've actually had warts disappear, bronchi dilate, colons become less inflamed, hair growth on the heads of bald men, ulcers heal, and other measurable physiological phenomena. We also know that the opposite is true, and the mind can think itself sick, which researchers call "the nocebo effect." When patients are given injections with saline and told it is chemotherapy, they vomit and lose their hair.

How do such things happen physiologically? In her book, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself, Lissa Rankin, MD, explains the science behind how a positive or negative thought or emotion in the mind translates into spontaneous repair in the body. As it turns out, the body has built in self-repair mechanisms that fix damaged proteins, repair DNA, correct hormonal imbalances, and gobble up cancer cells, infectious agents, and foreign bodies that our bodies are exposed to everyday. These mechanisms explain the spontaneous remissions that are reported in the medical literature from seemingly "incurable" diseases like Stage 4 cancer, HIV, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and even an untreated gunshot wound to the head.

Stress disables the body's natural self-repair mechanisms, and regardless of what triggers it, stress flips on a series of physiological cascades associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the "fight or flight" response of the sympathetic nervous system. This effectively turns off body repair systems. Dr. Rankin shares not just the scientific proof that you can heal yourself, but also tips for using the power of the mind to optimize the body's natural self-repair mechanisms.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our flagship formula, E-1, was specifically formulated to effectively "turn off" the "fight or flight" response of the nervous systems. Especially effective taken before bedtime and upon rising, E-1 harmonizes body systems and calms any over-responses. Great for insomnia.

Company & Product News

NEW from Pure Energy Rx: Subtle Energy Infused Himalayan Salt Lamps
Infused Salt Lamps This new application of subtle energy infusion into a Himalayan Salt Lamp has catapulted the natural benefits of salt lamps to a whole new level. We have infused the lamps with harmonizing, stablizing subtle energies that greatly heighten the similar existing properties of the lamps, making the experience of the lamps a palpable and impressive one. Put one in the office or TV room to neutralize EMF, or "electro-smog". Put one in the bedroom for a soothing night light and negative ions for a restful sleep.

These lamps are approximately 12 inches tall, direct from Nepal, include an off-on rocker switch on an A/C cord, 4-watt light bulb, and a wooden base, $24.95. (MORE INFO)

Clean Sweep Goes Family Size!
Clean Sweep Our popular anti-negativity spray, Clean Sweep, is now available in a 16 oz. size, adding to the 8 oz. and 2 oz. travel sizes. We've also posted a conference call about Clean Sweep as discussed by Dr. Kronn, the inventor, and several doctors and naturopaths. They provide their clinical experiences and measurements using the Clean Sweep in their practices. Fascinating stuff!

Clean Sweep Spray cleans any kind of negative energy. Tangible energetic emanations linger in the environment from all kinds of sources, including distress and suffering, illness, depression, anxiety, trauma, difficult relationships, and negative thinking--as well as from electrical devices, such televisions, computers, cell phones, microwave ovens and wi-fi. Few people are aware of the fact that negative energetic emanations can affect healing time, state of mind, family dynamics, and mental focus. (MORE INFO)

Gem Elixir for the Month

"Stone of Happy Dreams and Changes"

Spiritually: Enhances cosmic consciousness and stimulates mystical experiences. It enhances meditation and aligns the etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Stimulates intuition and creativity.

Emotionally: Amplifies and brings things to the surface for transformation. Associated with love and passion it intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Enhances self-worth and helps you to understand your full potential.

Mentally: Brings lightness and spontaneity and encourages an interest in the arts. Strengthens memory.

Physically: Strengthens the will to live. May help Parkinson's disease, and infections; may help purify the blood and kidneys, may regulate insulin, may ease childbirth, and PMS. May be beneficial to the eyes.

Opal Trinity Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code OPAL30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 11/5/15).

This Quantum Life

Two Tools

question There are two tools in Access Consciousness that I have found are absolutely great as what I call "anti-funkifizers". You know, when you feel yourself falling down in life, and beating your own head against a wall you are painfully aware you put there yourself. That kind of "funkify".

TOOL NUMBER ONE: Staying in the Question. Humans are not particularly good about handling answers. We tend to "find THE answer" and then stick with that sucker come hell or high water (even if we caused the hell and high water). I guess there is a sort of comfort in "knowing you have THE answer". And yet (and I speak from experience), when you think you've found The Answer, after some time and life goes by, you pretty much become convinced that it really wasn't THE answer. So you start off again down that road to the Holy Grail. It's in human DNA, I believe, and it's not very useful.

What IS useful, is to continually ask the open-ended questions and sticking with those no matter what happens. Questions such as, "What energy do I need to be to experience my life with ease and joy?" Or, "What else could happen here that is far beyond what I ever could imagine?" Or, "What would it take for me to be happy, creative and inspired?" In other words, you don't want questions you already know the answers to, or that have obvious answers. You're shooting for the moon with the questions, with no idea what the answers could be. In fact, you don't want to have answers, just better questions.

What's weird is when you ask questions like these, you begin to get certain awarenesses that look like answers. It's the "ask and you shall receive" mechanism in this reality. And it's nice, but you want something even greater. "What else is possible?" is a great question when you start getting "answers" or awarenesses as a result of an open-ended question.

What's also weird is that apparent answers or changes relating to the question start coming at you from the Universe at large. Someone will say something that relates to your question, or an event or scene will suddenly strike you as particularly relevant to your question. It's fun, really, and really helps restore your curiosity. Much less frustrating than burdening yourself with the search for answers. The Universe is much better at those. Let it do it's job.

point  of view TOOL NUMBER TWO: Interesting point of view. This is a very useful way to snap out of negativity of any kind, or to "reset" yourself when you realize you're being judgmental or making a bunch of conclusions not supported by evidence. Just say, "Interesting point of view I have that point of view." The self-observation that your behavior was the result of a specific point of view allows you to shift outside of it, and in so doing neutralizing the energy with that point of view. For example, I have late bedtime and late rising hours, and this morning someone was hammering on something next door. After waking up three or four times all grumpy about it, I remembered Interesting P.O.V. I made the statement a few times and lo and behold, I wasn't grumpy anymore, and was able to go back to sleep and not be awakened again by the noise. This is a good one for driving in traffic, too, or in any social gatherings or events. It keeps you light and in present-time awareness. Much more fun!

Experiment with the two tools, and who knows where you could go and who you could be?

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin, President