Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Quantum Health News

Science Agrees: You Affect All of Humanity

coherenceBasically, feelings of love, gratitude, appreciation and other "positive" emotions not only have an effect on our nervous system, but they have an affect on those around us, far beyond what we might have previously thought.

Another point that illustrates the importance of these positive states is the fact that several organizations around the world have conducted synchronized meditations, prayers, intention experiments, and more. A number of studies have shown that collective meditations, prayer or focused intention directed toward a certain positive outcome can have measurable effects.

One study was done during the Israel-Lebanon war in the 1980s. Two Harvard University professors organized groups of experienced meditators in Jerusalem, Yugoslavia, and the United states with the specific purpose of focusing attention on the area of conflict at various intervals over a 27-month period. During the course of the study, the levels of violence in Lebanon decreased between 40 and 80 percent each time a meditating group was in place. The average number of people killed during the war each day dropped from 12 to three, and war-related injuries fell by 70 percent. Another great example is a study that was conducted in 1993 in Washington, D.C., which showed a 25 percent drop in crime rates when 2,500 meditators meditated during a specific periods of time with that intention.

"Every individual's energy affects the collective field environment. The means each person's emotions and intentions generate an energy that affects the field." --Dr. Deborah Rozman of the HeartMath Institute. The hypotheses of the researchers and scientists behind this process are as follows:

  • The Earth's magnetic fields are a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems
  • Every person affects this global information field. Large numbers of people creating heart-coherent states of love, appreciation, care, and compassion can generate a more coherent field environment that benefits others and helps off-set the current planetary discord and incoherence.
  • There is a feedback loop between human beings and Earth's energetic/magnetic systems.
  • Earth has several sources of magnetic fields that affect us all. Two of them are the geomagnetic field that emanates from the core of the Earth, and the fields that exist between Earth and the ionosphere. These fields surround the entire planet and act as protective shields blocking out the harmful effects of solar radiation, cosmic rays, sand, and other forms of space weather. Without these fields, ice as we know it could not exist on Earth. They are part of the dynamic ecosystem of our planet.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Increase your own "coherence" by using our Clean Sweep energy spray. It neautralizes incoherence in the immediate environment, allowing more positive states and emotions to dominate.

Turns Out You Actually Can Die From a Broken Heart

broken heart Dr. Martin Samuels is head of the Neuro-Cardiology department at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Samuels studies the relationship between thinking and heart health. He has numerous examples of healthy young men and women who have died on roller coasters and in other suddenly stressful situations from the massive dumping of stress chemicals into the blood stream.

Author Dr. James Lynch, who has been a pioneer in mind/body medicine for decades, writes about the health consequences of loneliness in his book A Cry Unheard. "Every year millions of lonely people … die broken-hearted, long before their time. It's a silent epidemic," says Dr. Lynch. Lynch, a former professor and researcher from the University of Maryland, has studied other related mind-body phenomena like the health benefits of owning a pet or the health benefits of listening vs. talking. (Listening lowers your blood pressure; talking raises it.)

In A Cry Unheard, Dr. Lynch writes about a researcher named Dr. George Engle at the Rochester University Medical School. Engle collects stories of healthy people who die suddenly after hearing about a loved one who has died. "Many of the incidents documented by Dr. Engle are truly remarkable. He cites the cases of two teenagers who died abruptly after being told of the death of someone close to them. In another case a 14-year-old girl died suddenly after being told that her 17-year-old brother died."Dr. Martin Samuels is head of the Neuro-Cardiology department at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. Samuels studies the relationship between thinking and heart health. Samuels collects stories of previously healthy people who have suddenly died of a heart attack from massive overdoses of stress chemicals that are often dumped into the blood stream after a stressful event. He has numerous examples of healthy young men and women who have died on roller coasters and in other suddenly stressful situations from the massive dumping of stress chemicals into the blood stream.

In a third example from A Cry Unheard that Dr. Engle cites, it become very clear that yes, a person can die of a broken heart: "A 52-year-old man had been in close contact with his physician during his wife's terminal illness with lung cancer. Examination, including electrocardiogram, six months before her death showed no evidence of coronary disease. He died suddenly of a massive myocardial infarction the day after his wife's funeral."

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Besides the obvious stress of the death of a loved one or friend, sources of stress abound in modern society--from environmental factors such as air pollution, noise, financial stre4ss and the little relationship stressors that add up over time. To combat and neutralize these stressors, use our E-1 Stress Relief formula. It immediately brings one out of "flight or fight", normalizing the para-sympathetic nervous system.

Beyond the Placebo Effect

mind qiStudies have been conducted which investigate the influence of A's intention on B's physiological state — a process referred to as "remote intention." They further examine the influence of A's attention on B's physiological state while A gazes at B over a 1 way video link, called "remote staring." Last but not least, they study the influence of A's intention on B's attention or behaviour, which is referred to as "remote helping", measured using electrodermal activity, heart rate, blood volume pulse, and electrocortical activity (EEG electrodermal activity, heart rate, blood volume pulse, brain blood oxygenation [MRI], and electrogastrogram [EGG]).

These studies have yielded remarkable results which have since been successfully repeated in laboratories around the world. They actually hint at the possibility that another person's mental attention could possibly have some sort of physiological effect on someone else.

From a Quantum Mechanical perspective, factors associated with consciousness (measurement, observation, attention) have indeed influenced physical systems, which is why all of the pioneering and prominent figures in this field regarded consciousness fundamental, where matter is seen as a derivative from consciousness.

A study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, as seen in the the US National Library of Medicine, for example, demonstrated that a women with special abilities was and is able to accelerate the germination of specific seeds for the purposes of developing a more robust seed stock.

"Chulin Sun is a woman with exceptional powers (Shen and Sun, 1996, 1998; Sun, 1998). A member of the Chinese Somatic Science Research Institute, she is a practitioner of Waiqi. Waiqi is a type of qigong that teaches the practitioner to bring the qi energy of traditional Chinese medicine under the control of the mind. Chulin Sun can induce plant seeds to grow shoots and roots several cm long within 20 min using mentally projected qi energy. This has been demonstrated on more than 180 different occasions at universities as well as science and research institutions in China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong) as well as other countries (e.g., Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.)."

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Amplifying one's talents and personal power is the job of our Success & Achievement gem elixir and Success & Achievement Vital Force Crystal. We can't guarantee you can sprout seeds, but we can say you'll feel more confident and other people will notice!

Company & Product News

Use the Life Energy Pack System
Life Energy Pack The four subtle energy infused formulas making up the Life Energy Pack represent a NEW WAY of thinking about family health and first aid. It's an easy system to remember, and can create some highly beneficial results! The system: E-1 - Nerves, nervous system; E-2 - Digestion, internal organs; E-3 - Pain relief topical lotion; E-4 - Immune System and amplifier. These versatile formulas are used by hundreds of naturopaths worldwide to stabilize, de-traumatize, and regulate all manner of physical symptoms and conditions. You only need to know the FOUR THINGS these formulas address, and you're mostly there with a solid system of creating well-being. For now through the month of November, get an additional $10 off the Life Energy Pack (regularly $90), and try it for yourself! Use discount code LEP10 when you check out through the shopping cart.

Our Special E-3 Cream Free Trial Offer
E-3 Unlike aspirin and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs that simply mask the pain, E-3 goes to work on the root of the problem and offers long-term benefits. When soft tissue is damaged the energy flow into this area is interrupted. This is one of the causes of pain. E-3 helps re-establish energy flow. As a result the pain signal stops and the healing process speeds up, increasing mobility and assisting in regenerating damaged soft tissue. If you are still skeptical, or if you are a long-term fan of E-3 and you want to show others what it can do, order a 2 oz. Trial Size bottle for FREE (plus shipping). Order more than one for even more savings!

Gem Elixir for the Month

"Stone of Regeneration"

Garnet Spiritually: Stimulates expanded awareness and past life recall. Cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. Balances and stimulates the development and movement of the Kundalini.

Emotionally: Inspires love and devotion. Dissolves ingrained behavior patterns. Fortifies, activates and strengthens the survival instinct, inspires love and devotion, alleviates emotional disharmony.

Mentally: Helps to release useless, old, or obsolete ideas.

Physically: May help regenerate the body and stimulate the metabolism. May assist spinal and cellular disorders. May purify and reenergize blood, heart, and lungs, may help regenerate DNA.

Trinity Garnet Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code GARNET30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 2/16/17).

This Quantum Life

The Lie of Being Stuck

stuck It's been a challenging last two months for me, where things seemed to spiral downward despite my best efforts. I was forced realize that my expectations of where I should be going and how fast, were being completely de-constucted.

Things seemed to "grind to a halt"--my income, my quest for a new living space, progress with building the business back after several setbacks. Despite knowing better, I came to to conclusion that I was just stuck--emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally.

One of my beloved mentors (an Access Consciousness facilitator) did a Facebook Live broadcast last night. She got my attention when she said "Hi Boyd" and I hadn't commented. The broadcast started me on what feels like a bit of a release from the "stuck-ness".

She said, "Being stuck is a lie. Just look at your skin--it's being rebuilt every day, the air you breathe has different molecules that have been all around the world; and your heart is beating and circulating all that new food and air and water you've been putting into it. That's just one part of the 'being stuck' lie. The other part is that by declaring that you're stuck, you've just made a giant conclusion about everything that's happening around you. This limits your awareness of what is actually NOT stuck. Start being grateful and asking things like, 'I'm breathing new, fresh air! What else is possible?' or 'Every day is a new day--what changes can happen here?'"

That pulled my head out of the perceived rut I'd gotten myself into, long enough to start asking, "What else can change here? What is possible I haven't thought of? What can I do to really change things?"

I finally got back in touch with the quantum world, where particles and waves are constantly darting here, there and everywhere--wave upon wave of changing conditions bringing new and fantastic possibilities now available to us all.

stuck Yes, sometimes things do seem like they are moving like molasses in January--but that doesn't mean they've stopped moving! Besides, why focus in on the molasses, when unique snowflakes are falling, the elk are running, the wind is gusting, and the plant world is awakening with green promises of Spring.

As my shaman friend points out, "2017 is the Year of Acceleration--fundamental changes are shifting the very foundations upon which we have built our lives. What is crumbling and falling apart are all the slow parts that can't accelerate at the speed necessary."

So what seems like stuck-ness is actually an awareness of acceleration, making our life seem like it's standing still. Watch for the movement, watch for the new possibilities, and watch for that new vehicle coming to whisk you to the stars!

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin, President

Saturday, January 14, 2017

New E-3 Energy Cream Commercial

Hot off the production machine! Our first E-3 Energy Cream commercial--interesting info, humorous approach, great testimonials.

Check it out...

Get your free trial bottle here:

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Quantum Health News

Anti-Stress Music

de-stress Researchers at Mindlab International in the U.K. wanted to know what kind of music induces the greatest state of relaxation. The study involved having participants try to solve difficult puzzles — which inherently triggered a certain degree of stress — while connected to sensors. At the same time, participants listened to a range of songs as researchers measured their brain activity, heart rate, blood pressure and rate of breathing.

What they found is that one song, "Weightless", resulted in a striking 65 percent reduction in participants' overall anxiety, and a 35 percent reduction in their usual physiological resting rates. Interestingly, the song was specifically designed to induce this highly relaxed state. Created by Marconi Union, the musicians teamed up with sound therapists to carefully arrange harmonies, rhythms and bass lines, which in turn slow a listener's heart rate and blood pressure, while also lowering stress hormones like cortisol.

In fact, the music is so effective, that many of the female participants became drowsy--to the point where lead researcher Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson advises against listening to it while driving. But don't take their word for it. Experience it for yourself here.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Regular use of our E-1 Stress Relief formula keeps the nervous systems out of flight or fight, improves sleep, and normalizes organ function. Use E-1 while meditating or listening to music for an amplified sense of well-being.

Recognizing and Handling Energy Vampires

energy vampire Have you ever felt exhausted, bored, irritated, stressed, anxious, threatened, overwhelmed or depressed, all at the same time, after just a few moments in the company of a person? He or she may be an energy vampire who can have a bad influence on you. Like movie vampires, these are the negative people who are incapable of generating positive energy. Hence they feed off the energy of others.

"Energy vampires are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them. They are almost incapable of seeing things from another person's perspective. They often lack empathy, and believe that they must take everything they can get from others and that giving anything will deprive them of essential resources," says Sophie Henshaw, a leading clinical psychologist.

Interact less with such people - Try to interact less with people who have negative thoughts or who are surrounded with negative environment. Not only does the thinking of the people matter but their ambience also leaves an after effect on each person's personality.
Respond, not react - Responding to the energy vampire helps to overcome the stress due to the negative approach to life by the other person. Avoid judgement in favor of allowance.
Do not accuse directly - Directly accusing a hypocrite of not practicing what he preaches is useless, as that will only make them go defensive. Rather try to divert the attention back onto you or someone else.
Keep your cool - Usually such energy vampires are very sensitive to others' anger or disapproval. Even if they irk you a lot, maintain your inner peace.
Affirm your self-worth - You are more than what they make you to be. Ignore energy vampires and spend quality time with people who cheer you up and bring out the best in you.
Just let it go - If you cannot avoid them, take a deep breath and let it go. Don't take their words to heart and let them spoil your day. If you let them leech your energy, they will.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our Clean Sweep negative energy neutralizing mist is perfect to use around energy vampires. Just spray the room you share with them, and watch their change in behavior. They may just leave, or stop interacting altogether. Clean Sweep neutralizes a wide spectrum of negative energies from EMF to negative human emotions.

Language and Time Travel

time travel The language we speak can help us see the future. That's the premise of the alien language in the movie Arrival--and it's a big deal. In Arrival, aliens arrive on Earth to talk to us, unlike typical alien invasion movies. A linguistics professor teaches the aliens English while learning their language. What the professor learns is that speaking the alien language re-shapes her brain to let her see into the future. Fictitious as that science sounds, language might really do that.

First, learning a language makes you smarter. That means your ability to switch focus between tasks, recall memories, and solve problems gets better by learning a language.

Second, time isn't really linear. In fact, according to neuroscientist David Eagleman, time is really just "your assessment of how long something took." George Musser verifies that in Scientific American, writing. "Our minds construct the past, present, and future. Memory researcher Endel Tulving, who called our ability to remember the past and to anticipate the future 'mental time travel.' He cites a 2007 study where participants were asked to remember something from their past and imagine a future scenario under an fMRI scan. The same areas of the brain lit up for both, meaning 'that memory is essential to constructing scenarios for ourselves in the future'."

Third, the language you speak shapes the culture around you. Or, as Discovery News puts it, "Language doesn't determine how you think, but it can determine how you think about things." That means people from different cultures diverge according to "patterns of metaphor" within language. Namely, different cultures emphasize different aspects of experience through the words they choose. Native Americans who speak Inuit and Yupik languages use different words to describe snow depending on its location, texture, movement and other factors. English speakers take the opposite approach, using the word "snow" to describe a myriad of weather conditions, textures, and chemical states.

Combine all of those factors and you've got a way of viewing the world that expands your brain, sees beyond the linear bounds of time, and re-creates your culture, as in Arrival.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our Trinity Gem Elixir, Deep Insight, amplifies perceptions of how language affects us emotionally and physiologically through time. The elixir facilitates self-awareness and analysis of interpretations and points of view of the past. It is very useful for processing self-judgments and the judgments of others.

Company & Product News

Use the Life Energy Pack System
Life Energy Pack The four subtle energy infused formulas making up the Life Energy Pack represent a NEW WAY of thinking about family health and first aid. It's an easy system to remember, and can create some highly beneficial results! The system: E-1 - Nerves, nervous system; E-2 - Digestion, internal organs; E-3 - Pain relief topical lotion; E-4 - Immune System and amplifier. These versatile formulas are used by hundreds of naturopaths worldwide to stabilize, de-traumatize, and regulate all manner of physical symptoms and conditions. You only need to know the FOUR THINGS these formulas address, and you're mostly there with a solid system of creating well-being. For now through the month of November, get an additional $10 off the Life Energy Pack (regularly $90), and try it for yourself! Use discount code LEP10 when you check out through the shopping cart.

Our Special E-3 Cream Free Trial Offer
E-3 Unlike aspirin and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs that simply mask the pain, E-3 goes to work on the root of the problem and offers long-term benefits. When soft tissue is damaged the energy flow into this area is interrupted. This is one of the causes of pain. E-3 helps re-establish energy flow. As a result the pain signal stops and the healing process speeds up, increasing mobility and assisting in regenerating damaged soft tissue. If you are still skeptical, or if you are a long-term fan of E-3 and you want to show others what it can do, order a 2 oz. Trial Size bottle for FREE (plus shipping). Order more than one for even more savings!

Gem Elixir for the Month

"Stone of Healing and Protection"

turquoise Spiritually: Promotes Spiritual attunement and enhances communication between the physical and spiritual worlds. Enhances intuition and meditation.

Emotionally: Dispels negative energy, stabilizes mood swings, dissolves self-defeating behavior and depression.

Mentally: Instills inner calm and alertness and aids creative expression. Enhances communication skills.

Physically: Considered a "profound master healer". May strengthen the entire anatomy and ease all conditions. May enhance the physical and psychic immune systems, regenerate tissue, stimulate absorption of nutrients. All chakras, meridians and subtle bodies are aligned and strengthened. May protect against environmental pollutants.

Trinity Turquoise Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code TURQ30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 1/16/17).

This Quantum Life

Why Do Resolutions Fail?

vision board I'm tempted every year at this time to go on a rant about "New Year's Resolutions", and this year I think it's time to burst the bubble of control many of us believe we have that would make us believe we can "keep" those resolutions made.

One of my beloved mentors was ranting the other day about "Vision Boards". She noticed that every year the boards were pretty much the same--the pictures of the lavish mansion, the perfect body, the epic love affair, the wedding ring... And after eight years, none of her "visions" for the future had come true.

She believes the reason for this is that envisioning a "goal" or a desire is not about the simple exercise of imagination. It's, instead, all about ENERGY. So now, my friend creates an "Energy Board" to remind her of that fact.

All things are possible in this universe. ALL things are possible. This is first premise that must be embraced before any "visioning" can become a reality. We so often, right off the bat, disallow certain possibilities because we've chosen to make it so. "I'm never going to have a lot of money." "I'm always going to be fat." "I'm never going to find that perfect love", etc. etc. Now, all these conclusions are underlying all the desires to the contrary. So when you make a vision board, you immediately collide with the reality of your conclusions. And the visioning becomes wistful daydreaming that overlays what you know to be true about life--these things are just not possible.

These "realities" that you know to be true, are actually arbitrary choices that have been made and reinforced through experience. These "realities" become a point of view about life, and limit what is possible for you, this Infinite Being.

control First, it's not about "control". There is no such thing as "controlling your life". We believe we have control because we can make some predictions about what is going to happen based on specific actions we take: I'm controlling my life by getting up every day at 7AM, doing my workout, then driving to work. I'm in control. This is an illusion. What is happening here is that you are simply following along a certain pattern of energy that you chose in the past.

This is an important distinction. You choose a certain energy that then expresses itself as your life. You are not "controlling" anything. You are choosing energies, and what unfolds as a result of those choices is what you think you are controlling.

In a sense, choice could be considered control, but if anything it's the ONLY control you have, and it completely eclipses any abilities you may think you have to "make things happen." This is why there is "failure". Failure is a conflict one has with the energies they've chosen. I failed to be a success at my job because what it would take to succeed at that job goes against all the choices I've made to the contrary.

The beautiful thing about this conundrum is that you have a choice. You can choose your way out of a bad situation, bad feelings, a bad life. The key is to continue to choose what it is you truly desire, and this requires honest assessments. What makes me feel really light, excited, inspired and lifted up? Well, go that way!

"Following The Energy" is an ancient operating mode of shamans. They choose a desired energy they want to have in their life, and then follow it through time by continuing to choose it and doing actions that resonate with that energy. This is powerful because it breaks open newer and greater possibilities that they continue to choose and act within that energy.

Rather than make "resolutions", choose an energy you would really like to have and feel in your life, and then as the possibilities and opportunities present themselves, simply re-choose and act. It's the truest way to actualize any desire, and will ensure you have a fabulous 2017!

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin, President