Sunday, May 27, 2018

Quantum Health News

Helping Another with Empathy

empathy This can be somewhat awkward as the receiver and we often don't know what to do so we will give advice, share our personal experiences, try to put together a plan of action, hug them, or sympathize with them. Many of us don't really consider that all that person may really want is for you to just be there and hear them. Next time you find yourself in this situation, "Don't just do something, stand there!"

Holding Space
We may hear this term from time to time without really understanding what it means. Essentially, holding space for someone just means to be there, to listen without intent to reply, to not try to "fix" anything, to let someone express themselves emotionally without making an attempt to make them feel better. You, as you are, just being there is enough, and this person will appreciate your simple presence during this time.

We commonly think of empathy as being able to feel one's emotions and have a more compassionate stance to where they are coming from. To take that a bit deeper, empathy occurs only when we have shed all preconceived ideas and judgments about the other party. As Philosopher Martin Buber says, "In spite of all similarities, every living situation has, like a newborn child, a new face, that has never been before and will never come again. It demands of you a reaction that cannot be prepared beforehand. It demands nothing of what is past. It demands presence, responsibility; it demands you." Often, instead of offering empathy, we give advice, reassurance or explain our own experiences.

Advising: "I think you should…" "How come you didn't…?"
One-upping: "That's nothing; wait'll you hear what happened to me."
Educating: "This could turn into a very positive experience for you if you just…"
Consoling: "It wasn't your fault; you did the best you could."
Story-telling: "That reminds me of the time…"
Shutting down: "Cheer up. Don't feel so bad."
Sympathizing: "Oh you poor thing…"
Interrogating: "When did this begin?"
Explaining: "I would have called, but…"
Correcting: "That's not how it happened."

All of the above examples listed are ways that we are attempting to make it better, change, or fix the situation. Next time someone comes to you to express a struggle, difficulty or hardship, simply listen for his or her observations, feelings, needs and requests. It helps to then reflect back by paraphrasing that you have understood what they are saying. By staying in this state of empathy, we allow others the opportunity to fully express themselves and their emotions without attempting to fix anything.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: One passive approach to helping another through a rough patch is to use Clean Sweep. Clean Sweep instantly neutralizes negative energies, including human emotions, making it much easier to communicate about an upset and to put it into perspective.

Going Deeper than "The Secret"

the secret Manifesting through intention is about first overcoming what seems to be a logical paradox; as we try to visualize what we want (a new car, lover, etc.), we have to somehow "feel good" about the whole matter, as though we are not actually lacking what we want. As The Secret feature speaker Joe Vitale says, "It's really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher."

But how are we supposed to feel good about what we are lacking? Even those who have been highly successful at manifesting through intention have a devil of a time explaining how they are having positive feelings in relation to the exercise of bringing towards them something they don't have enough of or don't have any of.

In some writings on the subject, the ‘wanting' of something as an intention does not bring to us the thing itself but only the continued "wanting" of it. We are told that the proper mindset is to feel grateful for what we ‘want', as though we already have it. But the fact is that we don't have it! Otherwise we wouldn't be asking for it. How do we get around this paradox? Become "Service To Others"

See all of humanity as connected, the world's resources as unlimited, and in getting what you want inspires others to get what they want. The Science of Getting Rich, written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles, says it this way: "You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now."

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Subtle energy fields are behind all manifestations of "matter". These fields act as templates upon which we, as creators, actualize our thoughts. These fields also interact with Earth, which has her own field as well. These interacting fields create resonances and energy flows we, as creators, access in order to manifest the world around us. Use our new Schumann Resonance Vital Force Crystals to stablite and strengthen these earth fields, bringing greater harmony to our body and life.

The Apple Experiment on Facebook


The take away...

Everything that you are saying, thinking, and doing will have an effect on not only your reality, but on your physical body and experience as well. How do you talk to yourself, what thoughts are you thinking? Are you practicing gratitude in your life or are you playing the part of the victim, speaking unkind words to yourself, assuming you'll never find success in your life, etc.? You see, these thoughts make a huge difference! And, as we can see via the experiment above, it is a lot more than just your thoughts that play a role here. We can clearly see that practices such as meditation, dancing and creative expression kept the apple healthy, while on the contrary, actions such as watching the news and being consumed by fear were contributing factors to the rotting process of the apple. So, if thoughts and actions can do this to an apple, what are they doing to you?

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The ability to stay focussed and mindful can be enhanced by using our Meditation Elixirs. Choose the one that resonates for you. Take it and observe the difference!

Jumper Cabling

jin shin jiyutsu A standard practice in Jin Shin Jiyutsu, involves simply holding one finger with the other hand. Each finger is an energetic equivalent to the major organ systems. The key is to hold each finger until a pulse is felt both in the finger and the hand holding it. Sometimes, this may be immeidate, and at other times it may take upwards of 20 minutes to detect a pulse. The pulse response verifies that the energy meridians are connected and energy is flowing. You can also hold the fingernail of each finger under the pad of the thumb. A pulse will be detected in that way as well. This hack is an easy and effective way to stabilize energy flows throughout the body.

Mike Carey

Mike Carey Mike's youngest daughter suffered with Chronic Fatigue for 8 years, from the age of 8 until she was 16. She had no energy to do anything and would often lay on the floor in a fetal position and cry because her life was passing her by. Dozens of doctors, Naturopaths, and other health practitioners were not able to find the cause or help her recover. It was then that Mike learned about cellular memory and how to tap into it to determine the cause of the problem as well as the natural remedy. Mike did this with his daughter and was able to find the cause of her Chronic Fatigue and also how to cure it. In 2 days, all of her energy came back--after 8 years. This inspired Mike to learn more and to help as many as he could. Cellular memory is very controversial with many, but not with Mike. His study showed that every cell in your body knows everything that has ever happened to you in your life. It is also believed that every cell has enough storage capacity to store all of the books of the Encyclopedia Britannica, many times over. Being able to tap into this memory is a gift that has proven itself over and over. As a result, Mike now has clients in 15 countries around the world and tests them via the phone or by Skype. This is possible because everything in the universe works by electricity and frequencies, including your body and the phone. Frequencies also travel through the air or we would not have GPS, TV, WIFI, or those little key fobs that open your car door. Mike believes that the accuracy of this testing is somewhere around 98% and he has been doing this type of testing for the past 20 years. Mike's Website

The Transforming Power of Gem Elixirs
gem elixir Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy. The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people? Try them and see! Use the handy "search" function to find gem elixirs to help with your conditions and concerns. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any gem elixir. ORDER NOW

Neutralize EMF Pollution with EMF Transformers
EMF EMF Transformers counteract radiation overstimulation from all electronics, including the latest smart phones. Modern cell phones barrage the brain with electromagnetic radiation—shown in laboratory tests to cause overstimulation in parts of the brain. Research shows that Energy Tools International EMF Transformers actually counteract the effects of radiation-caused hyper-stimulation in the brain. They give you this ability for your own benefit and for all your family members. Optimized with scientifically-tested Vital Force Technology, EMF Transformers counteract the over-stimulating effects on the brain of all smart phones--even the newest and most powerful ones. What's more, they're effective on all electronic devices that emit an electromagnetic field! You'll definitely want to order some today for every device you own! Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off! MORE INFO / ORDER

"Stone of Successful Love"


Spiritually: Stimulates gathering of wisdom. Opens the heart chakra. Aligns the subtle bodies. Enhances psychic abilities and increases clairvoyance.

Emotionally: Soothes fears and increases sensitivity. Stabilizes the personality. Imparts strength of character to overcome misfortunes. Brings domestic bliss and loyalty; enhances unconditional love and partnership.

Mentally: Increases mental clarity, strengthens memory, inspires deep inner knowing.

Physically: May aid in recovery after infectious illness; may help muscles, spine, heart and lungs, liver, and pancreas. May strengthen the heart to deal with the detoxification process. May strengthen kidney and liver to remove toxins from the body. May assist with the formation of hemoglobin and plasma.

Trinity Emerald Elixir is on sale till 6/10/18 for 30% off with discount code EMER30

This Quantum Life

Giving Up
By Boyd Martin

In scientific research about the death process, subjects repeatedly report that when they realize it is inevitable they are about to die, they completely give up. Then, a profound peace is felt, leading to a bright light or gateway they are compelled to step into.

This came to mind today, as I struggled with remaining mindfully detached about my physical state: pain, frustration and irritations--all around minutiae that would normally not even come up. It was just "one of those days"... I got myself embroiled in trying everything I could to change my emotional state, but was just feeling like I was drowning in a sea of overwhelming weakness and hopelessness. It seemed the more I tried to "do" something about it, the more extensive it became, until... I gave up.

I just let it all just be what it was, giving up trying to do anything to change the state. Suddenly, I was engulfed in a profound calm, and right away everything seemed to be in its right place, and there was nothing to do--all was moving according to Plan.

As I continued to sit with this energy, I realized I'd been tripped up by my monkey mind once again. Sneaky little sucker. As my state worsened, and as I kept doing things to try to change it, the mind went into a state of alarm, becoming frantic, desperate and depressed. The powerlessness became an existential threat, and so the monkey mind started revving up for fight or flight.

This clearly reveals the Lie of Control. For a long time, I was confused about the basic difference between "control" and "creation". Isn't "creation" controlling? Under the spell of this confusion lies the gaping temptation--after making a choice--to attempt to control all the elements that you think need to be controlled in order to manifest or actualize that desire. This is the ego-mind trap that can too easily lead down a most uncomfortable rabbit hole of pain and suffering--not to mention a ton of work

You intend to have or be something, and at a quantum level, it's happening--instantly. We get tripped up by the passage of time, and our unawareness or unacceptance of this concept, which makes us believe we need to control everything for the desired outcome. By attempting to control the quantum state, it is pretty much guaranteeing you'll be injecting force fields between your original intention and its inevitable outcome.

We are taught in so many ways the master-slave paradigms pf. "You must Work hard for what you want". The trouble is, the more you grasp for what it is you desire, the more the universe responds to you're not having it. As demonstrated in quantum physics experiments, the state of particle-waves changes upon measurement--meaning that what you watch changes. If you intend or choose for something to happen, and then watch every single, little process leading to the actualization of that thing, you'll be watching for a long time--and working your ass off.

What's really needed is that once a choice is intended, give up on trying to control the getting of it. It's already in process and is inevitably on its way to you. It is the disbelief in this feature of consciousness, that blocks or creates barriers to the intention. We're watching the particle-waves coalescing around our choice too much, thus changing the outcome, or inserting more time and events than originally required. We get our attention stuck on the not having, which gets reflected back to us, as time trudges on.

Each of us is a Creator with a capital "C". That's literally ALL we do--consciously and unconsciously. We cannot do or be anything else. Unless, of course, you want to as an ego exercise, give up "making it happen" in the certainty it is already on the way, and then just enjoy the ride, open to responding joyfully to events unfolding in the having of it.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Quantum Health News

American Anxiety Score Rises 5 Points

stress America's national anxiety score rose 5 points in the last year. According to a new survey from the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Americans are feeling, in general, more anxious than they were in 2017. The survey asked 1,004 adults from around the country to rate their anxiety in five areas: safety, health, finances, relationships, and politics. Results showed:

  • 39% feel more anxious now compared to last year.
  • 68% feel extremely or somewhat anxious about their health, keeping their family safe, and paying bills on time.
  • 56% feel extremely or somewhat anxious about the impact of politics on their daily lives.
It all amounted to a five-point increase in the country’s “national anxiety score,” which is scored from 0-100, and rose from 46 in 2017 to 51 in 2018. All groups in the survey reported year-over-year increases in anxiety, but not equally across race, gender, or age. Results showed:
  • Millennials feel the most anxious, though baby boomers reported the highest increase in anxiety
  • Women reported a higher increase in anxiety than men; among adults younger than 50, 38% of men and 57% of women feel more anxious now compared to last year.
  • The above gender-split is also true among people older than 50 but older people, in general, reported lower increases in anxiety: 24% of men and 39% of women.
  • People of color feel more anxious than Caucasians by 11 points.
  • The survey also asked about attitudes on the issues of mental health, prescription drug abuse, and gun violence.

“This poll shows U.S. adults are increasingly anxious particularly about health, safety and finances. That increased stress and anxiety can significantly impact many aspects of people’s lives, including their mental health, and it can affect families,” said APA President Anita Everett, M.D. “It highlights the need to help reduce the effects of stress with regular exercise, relaxation, healthy eating and time with friends and family.”

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use one or all of these wonderful stress-relieving formulas: E-1 Stress Relief, Clean Sweep Clearing Spray, Inner Peace Vital Force Crystal, CalmZyme Enzyme Formula.

Einstein Proved Wrong Again... Humans Act Like Quantum Particles

human “Do you think the moon disappears when we stop looking at it?” This question, attributed to Albert Einstein in his famous discussions with Niels Bohr, sums up a key idea of the genius’ thinking. Namely, the properties of things are objectively defined, whether we measure them or not--what is called "local realism". But in the quantum world, things do not seem to behave according to this everyday logic. An extraordinary test called “The BIG Bell Test”, in which more than 100,000 volunteers from all over the world have participated, has shown that Einstein, despite his enormous intuition, was wrong on this one.

On 30 November 2016, the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona invited people to randomly enter zeros and ones in a kind of video game. The volunteers generated more than 90 million unpredictable bits that were simultaneously sent to quantum experiments in twelve laboratories in Brisbane (Australia), Shanghai, Vienna, Rome, Munich, Zurich, Nice, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Concepcion (Chile), and Boulder (Colorado, USA). All the quantum experiments reached the same conclusions undermining Einstein ‘Local Realism’ theory

Numerous tests have refuted Einstein in this regard before but, until now, they have been carried out with computers or random number generators. Because computer programming is simpler than our brain, researchers wanted to introduce the human capacity for free will.“If I want to test whether a medicine works, I’ll give it to one group and not to another, and after a month I’ll check to see who’s healthy,” says Morgan Mitchell. “But if I do the groups wrong and all the elders take the medicines and all the young people don’t take them, the outcome may depend more on my choice than on the medicine. That’s why randomness is important and why we try to see in the particles whether we influence them in any way,” he added.

The human randomly-generated bits were used to set up the measuring for comparing entangled particles. Humans’ choices and quantum particles showed a stunning similarity, in relation to free will and randomness. Each laboratory conducted these quantum experiments on different particles, reaching the same conclusions – “Strong disagreement with Einstein’s local realism”.

The scientists concluded that either our vision of the world changes the world at a quantum particles level or the particles communicate with each other instantaneously, which would mean that there is something faster than the speed of light.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Subtle energy fields are behing all manifestations of "matter". These fields act as templates upon which we, as creators, actualize our thoughts. These fields also interact with Earth, which has her own field as well. These interacting fields create resonances and energy flows we, as creators, access in order to manifest the world around us. Use our new Schumann Resonance Vital Force Crystals to stablite and strengthen these earth fields, bringing greater harmony to our body and life.

"Head Orgasms" From Sounds

ASMR Do some sounds give you tingles or maybe full-blown “head orgasms”? Maybe you love listening to the turning of book pages and get a hit of euphoria when you fold towels? You may be experiencing a phenomenon called ASMR or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

Yes, there is such a thing. Some people have very particular auditory or visual triggers that may cause them to have waves of very positive feelings and sensations of static-like tingling on their skin. ASMR can also help with insomnia, according to the millions who claim to feel it.

The subculture is growing in popularity, with YouTube stars like the ASMRtist Maria garnering 1.3 million subscribers and 463 million views for videos where she gently whispers, taps on things and tries on prom dresses just for the sounds of it. Sounds like the crinkling of paper, brushing hair, soft tapping, classical music or even the voice of the painter Bob Ross can be other most common triggers of ASMR.

While there is still little science on the phenomenon which has been compared to auditory-tactile synesthesia, the ASMR Research Project hopes to shed more light on what is actually happening by running an online survey. The research team includes Craig Richard, a professor at Shenandoah University School of Pharmacy, psychology grad student Karissa Burnett and Jennifer Allen, a cybersecurity professional who coined the term "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response".

In an interesting twist on the subject, some have noticed a connection between ASMR and religion. Are there ASMR elements to religious rituals? As the author of the science and theology blog 'Irreducible Complexity writes, certain features of religious ceremonies like laying of the hands, anointing with oil, or deliberately slow communion preparations have been reported to trigger ASMR responses.

People who have experienced religious euphoria describe “electric tingling” and other tingling sensations during certain moments when they felt most connected to what they perceived as the Holy Spirit. Others have spoken of forehead tingling as an indication of a “spiritual awakening” caused by the opening of the “crown chakra”.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The synethesia of ASMR is a natural anti-stress, relaxation response for many people. Use our E-1 Stres Relieving Formula to calm and normalize the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems in order to enhance your own ASMR experiences.

The Transforming Power of Gem Elixirs
gem elixir Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy. The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people? Try them and see! Use the handy "search" function to find gem elixirs to help with your conditions and concerns. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any gem elixir. ORDER NOW

Neutralize EMF Pollution with EMF Transformers
EMF EMF Transformers counteract radiation overstimulation from all electronics, including the latest smart phones. Modern cell phones barrage the brain with electromagnetic radiation—shown in laboratory tests to cause overstimulation in parts of the brain. Research shows that Energy Tools International EMF Transformers actually counteract the effects of radiation-caused hyper-stimulation in the brain. They give you this ability for your own benefit and for all your family members. Optimized with scientifically-tested Vital Force Technology, EMF Transformers counteract the over-stimulating effects on the brain of all smart phones--even the newest and most powerful ones. What's more, they're effective on all electronic devices that emit an electromagnetic field! You'll definitely want to order some today for every device you own! Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off! MORE INFO / ORDER

"Stone of Successful Love"


Spiritually: Stimulates gathering of wisdom. Opens the heart chakra. Aligns the subtle bodies. Enhances psychic abilities and increases clairvoyance.

Emotionally: Soothes fears and increases sensitivity. Stabilizes the personality. Imparts strength of character to overcome misfortunes. Brings domestic bliss and loyalty; enhances unconditional love and partnership.

Mentally: Increases mental clarity, strengthens memory, inspires deep inner knowing.

Physically: May aid in recovery after infectious illness; may help muscles, spine, heart and lungs, liver, and pancreas. May strengthen the heart to deal with the detoxification process. May strengthen kidney and liver to remove toxins from the body. May assist with the formation of hemoglobin and plasma.

Trinity Emerald Elixir is on sale till 6/10/18 for 30% off with discount code EMER30

This Quantum Life

Suspending Belief

Albert Einstein famously asked the question, "Does the moon disappear if you are not looking at it?" And, there is the well-known philosophical conundrum, "If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it still make a sound?" Both of these questions have been definitively answered within the realm of quantum physics, and the answer is a resounding, "NO".
Flying in the face of Einstein's "Objective Realism" and Newton's "Laws", what scientists are coming around to is that what has been counted on to be solid, objective reality, is in fact, anything but. Essentially, the world we live in is not much more than a construct of beliefs. We believe the moon is in the sky because everyone else believes it to be true. The Hubble telescope zooms in on far distant galaxies that we believe are objectively real. The startling truth is that those galaxies are just as ephemeral and illusory as the sound of that tree falling the forest.
As humans, with our highly specific perceptions observed through very specific wavelengths of light, sound and smell, we comprehend our universe through stacks upon stacks of agreements, judgments, conclusions and beliefs. This is the furry underbelly truth of the world, regardless of how "real" it all seems with all those hard surfaces, very "real" threats to survival, perishable foods and bodies, not to mention the inexorable passage of what we have agreed to as "time".
As an interesting and vital side note, scientists have also proven that time is an illusion, and that from a cosmic perspective, everything is actually all happening at once. Our human brain (with its 11 dimensional wiring), presents perceptions as a linear march of various "events". The "events" are actually simply arbitrary conglomerations of stuff that have been related together to form various types and flavors of "reality".
So now, have I de-constructed your reality enough? I do so to make my point: We are unwitting, unconscious, creators of the lives we live--all the way from galaxy clusters down to the simplest bacteria. It's all there because we agreed to create it all with all these other points of view we perceive as "others". (In truth, we are all one Creator, doing our things from different points of view).
The task--or trick--is to regain our denied consciousness to such a degree that the world we experience reflects accurately our desires and visions. As biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, has pointed out, 97-99 percent of what we are creating is unconscious, emanating from the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is what is plugged into and deeply interfaced with the meta-program that is running like an immense digital Star Trek holodeck. This subconscious mind is mostly overlooked as a source of the majority of our creation. In fact, despite the immensity of what it creates, this giant subconscious mind is very simply programmed like any garden variety computer--with on-off switches. This is way different from the conscious mind, which needs to make associations and create relationships among things in order to learn.
The subconscious is programmed by the repetition of "yes" and "no". That's all. We can consciously repeat a desire or preference until it builds up enough of a field in the subconscious, and, boom, it actualizes that desire or preference. We can create change in our body, our attitudes, our relationships, just by repeating with feeling the change we want to see created. All of this takes place in the imagination, and the fuel that feeds the subconscious is feeling. Consciously create the feelings of what it is you want to experience, add some patience over time, and, bang, there you have it.
It's all a matter of suspending our beliefs against all of this, in order to make it real. The cosmic irony is that beliefs created this world we are in--and suspending those beliefs is what opens up the infinite possibilities we all have access to, to create the life we truly desire.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin