Thursday, August 30, 2018

Quantum Health News

New Study Links Touch to Pain Relief

healing touch Many past studies have addressed the synching of nervous systems between couples in relationship, as well as behavioral patterns. But for this new study, the authors wanted to determine the relationship between pain sensation and touch. Lead author Pavel Goldstein came up with the idea after he witnessed the birth of his daughter four years ago.

"My wife was in pain, and all I could think was, 'What can I do to help her?’ I reached for her and it seemed to help," he said on "I wanted to test it out in a lab: Can one really decrease pain with touch, and if so, how?"

Goldstein and his team observed 22 heterosexual couples, aged 23 to 32 and had them undergo a series of tests that would mimic a delivery-room scenario. Men were given the role of the observer while the women were the pain target. Couples were divided into three scenarios: the first where they sat together, not touching, the second where they sat together holding hands, and the third where they sat in separate rooms. Women were strapped to equipment that measured their heart and breathing rates. Each couple repeated all three scenarios as the woman was subjected to a mild heat pain on her forearm for two minutes.

Researchers found that couples synced physiologically in various degrees just by sitting together. When the man was allowed to touch his partner, both their heart rates synchronized and the woman’s pain decreased significantly. However, when the men couldn’t touch their partners, no synchronization was observed.

Goldstein commented: "It appears that pain totally interrupts this interpersonal synchronization between couples. Touch brings it back."

In addition, Goldstein’s previous studies have concluded that the more empathy the man had for the woman, as measured in other tests, the more her pain was reduced. Moreover, the more physiologically synchronized the couple was, the less pain the woman was likely to feel.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Have your partner rub on some soothing E-3 Revitalizing and Repair Cream. The combination of touch and the re-establishing of energy across the area of application have a double healing effect.

Extraterrestial Technologies Could Be Listening to Your Voice

ET Listening Scientists have reminded us today that even the simplest things--our voice for example--have potentially huge impacts in space communication.

John Stuart Reid, an acoustic-physics researcher, recently published a fascinating hypothesis on the therapeutic potential of sound, and how our voices could, even years after our death, be heard as "songs" in the universe.

Taken on an energetic level, sound and light are just different ways atoms interact with each other. Every sensation, every color is a specific "hum" in the universe--or just how these atoms vibrate against one other.

Atomic collisions caused by sound (or your voice) are carried away in the air, causing small amounts of heat (infrared light). Reid contends that this simple mechanism travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Naturally, the amount of energy the sound produces drops with distance, but the infrared bubble created by your voice could — technically — travel forever as long as it is not impeded by a dense molecular matter.

What does that mean in terms of space communication? It sounds like the plot of a sci-fi novel, but theoretically speaking, your voice could be heard by other planets. It may take decades to do so, but your unique voice can travel all the way to the stars.

It would work both ways as well. Already scientists are working on "listening" to the sounds of stars. There is a branch of astronomy, called asteoseismology, that deals specifically with this. Astronomers monitor the heavens using a very sensitive infrared instrument to hear the atomic messages of stars and potential extraterrestrial life. They believe that the next "alien" message is not one that was not deliberately transmitted into space, but one that is actually an infrared light "song."

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our own planet emits its own "song", known as the Schumann Resonance. By tuning into this resonance, the body synchs up with the planetary vibration and gains a quantum leap in healing and well-being. Use our beautiful Schumann Resonance Crystals to start your body vibrating to this healing planetary song.

Psychobiotic Bacteria Assist Your Brain

psychobiotic In your body, particular cells perform specific functions. Neurons, for example, make up the different parts of the nervous system, including your brain and nerves. You’d be surprised, therefore, to find that your intestines also contain neurons – about 100 million of them, in fact. That’s more neurons than even the spinal cord is made of.

For the most part, psychobiotics are normal probiotics, but they perform more than the roles performed by normal gut bacteria. Their function is so significant that some experts see them as the new frontier in the treatment of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Some of their mechanisms include the following.

They communicate with the brain via the vagus nerve - Ted Dinan, professor of psychiatry at University College Cork, and his colleagues found that giving mice the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduced signs of stress, anxiety, and depression in the animals. However, the same effect did not occur in mice whose vagus nerve was severed. The vagus nerve is a long cranial nerve that facilitates communication between the brain and the intestines.

They can synthesize neurotransmitters - Neurotransmitters are chemicals that brain cells use to relay messages to and from each other. Gut microbiota has been found to synthesize important neurotransmitters like serotonin, gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), dopamine, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine. As a matter of fact, over 90 percent of your serotonin and 50 percent of your dopamine are in your gut.

They can mitigate stress hormones - Cortisol can cause a wide variety of mental disorders ranging from brain fog and impaired concentration to mood swings, depression, and anxiety. In a study, participants took probiotics (Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum) for a month. After the treatment, they showed markedly decreased cortisol levels, resulting in a better mood.

They can attenuate brain inflammation - Certain gut bacteria species have been identified as being able to regulate the action of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Too much of these chemicals in the body has been linked to memory loss, depression, cognitive disorders, and mood disorders.

They protect your brain from damage - Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria bacteria have been found to have antioxidant effects. They help prevent oxidative damage brought about by the action of oxygen-carrying free radicals. The brain, being one of the biggest users of your oxygen supply, is especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of free radicals.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Ensuring a good population of probiotics is essential to good health. Use our Plantadophilus probiotic formula to build up your psychobiotic profile.


ho'oponopono This is a healing technique developed and used by Hawaiian shamans (kahunas). It is a form of imaginal light healing, having four distinct parts to the process, and is especially useful in distance healing. The basic principle is that the kahuna recognizes her part in the creation of disease in another, by virtue of the fact that because she is aware of this disease in another person, she in fact, is a co-creator of it. The kahuna then applies the technique of Honoponono in this way: Holding the disease in her imagination, she then addresses the disease with, "I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you." These languaged energies have the effect of dispersing or collapsing the energies of the disease in another person, allowing their body's healing powers to prevail. Of course, this can also be used on oneself. You can use this technique along with Take it Away and Gratitude. (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks)

Michelle Leuschen

Michelle Leuschen "After working for many years as a traditional 'talk therapist', I was thrilled to find a technique that helped my clients in a fraction of the time talk therapy required. Today I specialize in helping people with depression, anxiety and trauma. I see a wide range of clients including people who have sustained childhood physical or sexual abuse, have anxiety attacks, are going through a loss (including divorce), are suffering with depression, and those who need support during one of life's transitions. I love working with and teaching my clients EFT. It is simply the most effective treatment I have ever come across. The results are rapid and usually permanent, and hundreds of people have changed their lives for the better. What could be more exciting than that? I invite you to learn more about EFT either through a private session or a workshop. EFT is the fastest, most gentle and effective therapy I’ve found and I’m excited about sharing it with you! Feel free to call me and we can talk about your personal goals and how EFT can get you there 415.215.3456." - Michelle

The Transforming Power of Gem Elixirs
gem elixir Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy. The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people? Try them and see! Use the handy "search" function to find gem elixirs to help with your conditions and concerns. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any gem elixir. ORDER NOW

E-3: True Healing Pain Relief
E3 The E-3 Revitalizing and Repair Lotion has been a mainstay for pain relief and first aid for over 20 years, helping thousands get to the root of their pain and resolving it. E-3 is based on quantum physics research, and works like "liquid acupuncture", re-establishing energy flows across the injured or painful area, which is the primary case of pain. E-3 immediately goes to work, speeding healing and bringing relief. E-3 is also excellent for wounds, insect bites--even acne, shown to cut healing time in half. E-3 works wonderfully on swellings, localized inflammation, and acute aches and pains. Although E-3 shines as first aid (and any household should have it), chronic pains and injuries benefit from long-term use. Apply E-3 on the palms and soles of the feet for whole-body benefits of increased energy connection. Use E-3 on the breastbone, over the thymus, to normalize the immune system. The subtle energy signature in E-3 is carried by a hypoallergenic non-greasy organic cream, that in itself is excellent for the skin. Use discount code E330 for 30% off E-3 (does not apply to case prices) MORE INFO / ORDER

"Stone of Purification"


Spiritually: Protective stone for the aura. Aligns and purifies the subtle bodies releasing toxins at all levels. Clears the way to receive information from the higher self. Attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth.

Emotionally: Increases clarity and patience, helping with the release of negative emotions. Promotes a positive outlook on life.

Mentally: Sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. Helps you to take responsibility for your own life.

Physically: May stimulate tissue regeneration and removes toxicity from the physical body. May strengthen the metabolism; may aid the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, and strengthen eyes.

Trinity Peridot Elixir is on sale till 9/10/18 for 30% off with discount code PERI30

This Quantum Life

Trudging Toward Utopia

Sisyphus I'm not long for this world. Not to say I'm leaving a world, but to say this current externalized world is not where I'm headed. Call it a "parallel universe", "alternate timeline", or "dimension"--it's the journey I've come here to undertake.

What I wasn't prepared for (and I guess very few are) is the sheer density of resistance, judgement, stacks upon stacks of conclusions and decisions against this journey I would face for the 65 years I've been on this dusty road. There are rewards. Stuff like blowing through fixed ideas, envisioning new possibilities, and spotting and evaporating hundreds of identities--usually formed from other people's expectations.

It seems, as I look back from whence I've come, that I sort of fell into this experience without really doing any due diligence--a sort of jump into the abyss without first bothering to find out what the hell is at the bottom of it. It seems somehow irresponsible, and certainly unthinking, if not downright dumb. And yet, I took the plunge and for 65 years have struggled in a seeming unending stream of disappointments, failures, stupidities, pains and sufferings, that, had I known about these in advance, I most certainly would never have come here.

But I did. So the big, flashing neon question looming before me is,"WHY?". Not that all this has been one big helping of sour grapes, as I've worked through all those regrets...mostly. In fact, self-forgiveness is essential for disempowering regrets, and this can only happen after you forgive "everyone else" you believed were the cause of all your suffering and discomfort in life.

I mean, my needs and wants are simple, really: and unencumbered life, free of economic restraints, creative blocks, and the freedom to experience whatever I please. Wait. What. Is that all? I'm smiling at myself for writing that, yet that IS the Utopia I've been trudging toward. It seems simple, yet after 65 years of going in what I've thought was that direction, it's difficult to not feel resisted against by life.

And there it is. Resisted by life. The Big Lie. The only thing resisting me is me. What I call "life" is simply the sensory experience of this particular mirroring consensus frequency, where it's automatic to be shown "evidence" of external resistance. These quantum entanglements of what looks like resistance are in reality my own evaluations and juried indictments of my own value.

The longer I trudge toward my personal Utopia, the more often I look at the mileage, and it goes up every time I look at the sign: 500 miles to Utopia, becomes 5,000 miles to Utopia. It is daunting, demeaning, and fully a reflection of my own internalized value and willingness to accept as valid my needs and wants. It's the feeling I'd get as a kid on a long family car trip: "How many more miles, Dad?" He should have then said, "As many as you feel are necessary, son."

What is this unknown and seemingly unknowable quota of miles? How much of this trudging and gazing at the mirrored increasing mileage signs must I perform? It feels like the story of Sisyphus, who was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness against the gods by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only for it to roll down when he neared the top, doomed to repeating this action for eternity.

Punished for craftiness? Deceitfulness? Perhaps punished for a crime he really didn't commit, but was convinced of it by the gods? The crime of being himself? The crime of having desires? The crime of needing freedom? Granted, Sisyphus was a trouble-maker in the eyes of the gods--so much so that the gods could not forgive him, and instead sentenced him to an eternity of unrelenting labor and failure.

David and Goliath Of course, the metaphor for "the gods" is the Higher Self--that overseeing consciousness beyond space and time, and yet also a participant in life with the temporal self. And here we have the crux of the matter. The temporal self can look out upon the world and see a reflection of past decisions, past and present states of being, and externalized intentions. The Higher Self looks upon the entire life--past, present and future--and like the Biblical Creator on the 7th Day declares "All is good."

I'm coming to believe that assuming the Higher Self's viewpoint of "All is good" is the bridge between the endless trudging journey and the Utopian life. Perhaps it is all really the same thing--the exaltation of Utopia made all the more exquisite by the journey. After all, we do live in a dualistic world, where we can slingshot from one end of the spectrum to the other, sometimes instantly.

Like David and Goliath, I see myself releasing the slingshot of a lifetime of pain and suffering, aimed directly at the Goliath of my own resistance, slaying the monster that said my life has no value, and that I must endure endless frustration and failure. Goliath falls with a great thunder, and I am free.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Quantum Health News

Do-It-Yourself Music Therapy

music therapy Dr. Kniffin and his colleagues from Cornwell University, Dr. Jubo Yan, Dr. Brian Wansink, and Dr. William Schulze, referenced two separate studies that they spearheaded to evaluate the influence of different types of music on the cooperative behavior of 266 people.

In each study, the participants were organized into groups of three and given tokens. The members of each group were presented with "multiple opportunities to contribute to the team's value" by using the tokens. They also had the options to keep the tokens for themselves.

In both studies, when music like Van Morrison's Brown Eyed Girl, which has an upbeat tune and is deemed a "happy" song, is played, the chances that team members would use the tokens to boost the group's value was higher, unlike when "unpleasant" music was played or if there was no music at all. This proves that happy music can encourage employees to make decisions that can benefit the whole team.

Dr. Kniffin shares that "music with rhythm" often boosts a person's mood, and the results of their studies reveal that there is a higher chance that individuals can work well together once they're listening to music that has a steady beat.

Dr. Wasink, study co-author and director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, notes that aside from having a scientific reason to let employees listen to some music while they're working, happy music is an effective way of fostering cooperation among workers and positively influencing their mood.

If you want to improve your own mood with music therapy, try some of these tips:

- Play some soft, relaxing music at a moderate level. Make sure that the volume isn't high enough to distract you and that you can hear the melody or instrumental. Find a quiet space and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing as you try to harmonize with the music. Relax and free your mind from worries.
- Try to learn how to play an instrument. If you're feeling down, rocking out on a guitar or trying out some melodies on a ukelele can help cheer you up. Playing an instrument is just another way to help you channel your creativity and it can also help you de-stress when you are feeling overwhelmed.
- Listen to upbeat music that you can dance to. Clear some space in the living room, play some of your favorite songs, and dance your worries away.
- Listen to music while you're doing one or a couple of your daily activities. Enjoy some music whether you're washing the dishes or working out. Keep in mind that this will only work if you choose music that "complements" the task, such as classical music when you're starting a project for the office or an upbeat playlist when you're shooting some hoops.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our E-1 Stress Relief Formula along with music therapy to realize a quantum leap in effectiveness in relieving stress.

The Power of Breathing

breath Here are some sample medicinal breathwork techniques that are examples of medicinal breathwork techniques to simply and intentionally activate the rest-and-digest response to take the body out of "fight or flight" stress response.

1. Exhale focus. Breathe naturally without thinking about the breath or deliberately making it wispy, extended, and long. Just lightly place your intent on the exhale. People sigh in relief (exhale) and gasp in terror (inhale). One leads to "rest and digest" and the other to "fight or flight."

2. Sink the qi. With each exhale, place your intent in the gut or sacral chakra, which is three inches below the belly button and in between the front and back of the abdomen. Then imagine a light bulb going on there with every exhale--feel free to use any other similar visualization that resonates with you. In "fight or flight," all the qi or energy in the body rises up toward the head and heart. It's common for your face to flush and head to feel swollen as your heart rate and blood pressure increases. By guiding qi back down, the body can relieve itself of the intense energy needed for "fight or flight" and divert it to fuel a "rest-and-digest" response.

3. Release tension. With each exhale, find and release a bit more tension. This can happen area by area or totally randomly. The task is to be mindful of sensation anywhere in your body. Think about the way your whole face feels when unclenching your teeth--that's what we're going for in other areas. In each part of the body where tension is released, blockages open, stagnation is cleared, and the flow of qi improves, and the ancient texts say that health and vitality returns.

Medicinal breathwork to be one of the easiest to master, incorporate into a busy life, and see fast results.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Zen Meditation Elixir to assist in maintaining mindful focus while doing breathing exercises, which will amplify the beneficial effects.

Nature and Nurture Found to be Inextricably Linked

nature or nurture Are you the way you are because of the genes you inherited from your parents or because of the experiences you have had in your life? That has been the question asked for hundreds of years in the nature vs. nurture debate. Yet, this is where it gets quite fascinating. It turns out that nature and nurture are inextricably intertwined.

This is very apparent in an experiment done in 2013. Mice have a mutated gene called the agouti gene which makes them yellow in color, prone to diabetes and other diseases, and obese. In a study of epigenetics in agouti mice, cloned mice--that is, genetically identical mice to the agouti mice in the experiment--were given different nutrients than the control study, and they slowly began to change into non-obese mice.

One could argue that this epigenetic (outside regular genetic) change was simply due to nutrient density and the associated physiological changes, but this experiment has been conducted again in various forms using environmental cues such as love, anger, poverty, and more. Each of these emotional nutrients--as we'll label them--result in changes in the genome. Researchers are even now discovering an epigenetic connection between DNA methylation of the serotonin transporter gene and how we respond to stress.

The genome adapts to both intrinsic and environmental signals. This means that you are a product of both nature and nurture because nature will always respond to how you are cared for and loved (even by yourself) or ignored, hated, feared, abandoned, etc.

It is now known that our epigenetic memories are passed down through our DNA. Scientists have recently observed this happening for at least 14 generations! Can you even imagine what kind of stresses or lifestyle your grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents were enduring, that then imprinted upon your genes and created a chemical signal that can incite either stress or relaxation and joy in you?

Some of those inherited environmental traits were passed down through nature, and are now in you. There are those which will make you respond to challenges in a heroic way and those that will make you crumble with the weight of a feather. Just knowing that your DNA has been altered by the experiences of your ancestors can seem daunting, but it also gives you the power to change maladaptive responses that may have been created when your great-great-great-great-great grandmother was running from a tiger, or your uncle ten times removed endured a six-month-long famine in the desert during an extended absence of rain.

Now that you know this, you can choose a different response, and start a new chain of positive adaptation--DNA mutation, if you will--that allows you to stay calm under any circumstance. This new trait can then be passed down to future generations, as well as alter the DNA of your relatives.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Clean Sweep clearing spray during times of stress. It immediately clears the negative energies surrounding the stressful experience, allowing you to more easily create a different response, and thus consciously re-program your DNA.


kinesology The body can use many methods to signal you as to its knowledge and awareness about something. In kinesiology, it's "weak" and "strong". The body will go weak when addressing something not good for it, and will remain strong when it's something good for it. There are many demonstrations of way to access this response on YouTube, but I have my favorites. One is the index finger to thumb method. Place the pad of your thumb over the nail on your index finger. Then, "flick" the index finger off the thumb. You are attempting to hold the index finger with the pad of the thumb. When there is a weak response, you will not be able to hold the index finger on the thumb. When there is a strong response, you'll be able to hold the index finger on the thumb. To begin using this method, you'll need a reference as to what the "strong" and "weak" signals are. A simple test is to hold the index finger with the thumb pad and test the statement: My name is JOE (a name not yours). You'll find there is a weak response, and you will not be able to hold the index finger with the thumb pad. This will calibrate how much strength to use while holding the index finger with the thumb pad. You can use this method to find out "yes" and "no" answers about virtually anything, and those answers will be uncannily accurate. Although I mostly use this technique when it comes to shopping for food for the body to eat, it's great for selecting restaurants, car mechanics, TV shows, well, anything. (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks)

Tammy Braswell

Tammy Braswell Tammy has been sensitive to energy, and the unseen planes, since she was a young child. She's experienced a wide variety of interactions and experiences that have cultivated the desire to nurture, explore and understand what it is that she has been experiencing. Much of her journey she had to figure out on her own and knew others weren't necessarily experiencing what she was. She is highly connected to spirit, higher energies and the unlimited consciousness of Source itself, which she channels as ALL THAT IS. She knows the value in having support, so she helps others along a similar path in their own journey, to navigate through all the unknowns, unseen and unfamiliar to embrace who they really are by stepping into their truth to experience and express their gifts, abilities and connection in ways that serve them and the collective whole as their soul intended. Tammy considers the work she offers as her proprietary blend of all that she has studied, intuited, channeled and experienced firsthand in her own life, as the intuitive channel, high vibrational healer and Energetic Creation coach, guide and teacher she is now. Connect with Tammy at

The Transforming Power of Gem Elixirs
gem elixir Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy. The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people? Try them and see! Use the handy "search" function to find gem elixirs to help with your conditions and concerns. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any gem elixir. ORDER NOW

E-3: True Healing Pain Relief
E3 The E-3 Revitalizing and Repair Lotion has been a mainstay for pain relief and first aid for over 20 years, helping thousands get to the root of their pain and resolving it. E-3 is based on quantum physics research, and works like "liquid acupuncture", re-establishing energy flows across the injured or painful area, which is the primary case of pain. E-3 immediately goes to work, speeding healing and bringing relief. E-3 is also excellent for wounds, insect bites--even acne, shown to cut healing time in half. E-3 works wonderfully on swellings, localized inflammation, and acute aches and pains. Although E-3 shines as first aid (and any household should have it), chronic pains and injuries benefit from long-term use. Apply E-3 on the palms and soles of the feet for whole-body benefits of increased energy connection. Use E-3 on the breastbone, over the thymus, to normalize the immune system. The subtle energy signature in E-3 is carried by a hypoallergenic non-greasy organic cream, that in itself is excellent for the skin. MORE INFO / ORDER

"Stone of Purification"


Spiritually: Protective stone for the aura. Aligns and purifies the subtle bodies releasing toxins at all levels. Clears the way to receive information from the higher self. Attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth.

Emotionally: Increases clarity and patience, helping with the release of negative emotions. Promotes a positive outlook on life.

Mentally: Sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. Helps you to take responsibility for your own life.

Physically: May stimulate tissue regeneration and removes toxicity from the physical body. May strengthen the metabolism; may aid the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, and strengthen eyes.

Trinity Peridot Elixir is on sale till 8/31/18 for 30% off with discount code PERI30

This Quantum Life

The Art of Non-Duality

I keep coming back to this "non-duality" concept, because it is so much at the crux of creation, and indeed, why we as infinite creators continually choose to participate in such an extreme form of duality.

It is a dramatic world of opposites, contrasts, and all the messy grey areas in between. Don't we have something better to do than to get all tangled up in this morass? Well, no. You see, by experiencing and being these extreme states of opposites, we come to know ourselves as infinite beings. By the sheer contrast of the non-being and solidness represented by life here on Planet Rock, it reveals to us our infiniteness.

Most of what we experience is what we are subconsciously co-creating with all these other infinite creators. It doesn't seem like we are creating the universe of our lives because most of what is being created is what we subconsciously agreed to be a part of coming into this life. As we "wake up", or become aware of this fact, we can then start making conscious choices about what we prefer to experience.

What it takes to wake us up, though, is usually a carnival ride of torturous swings from one extreme to the other. We are seemingly tossed back and forth from dark to light, hard to soft, easy to difficult, and everything in between. The bewildering input of contrasts assaulting our senses seems to be more of an attack against us, throwing us into defense mode.

Is it any wonder that most of us just put our heads down and take the path of least resistance, complying and compromising our own preferences in the hope of "getting by", "fitting in", and fergawdsakes not rocking the boat. It seems easier, or at least a whole lot less threatening to find a somewhat comfortable niche, and dig in, hoping to avoid any real revelation of the infiniteness of who we are, and the crushing responsibility of our own creations.

With the advent of the the planetary information web (the Internet), and the inevitable development and involvement in "social media", or what I call selective hive minds, we can compartment and validate our own value systems, creating our own self-bubbles that shut out dissenting views or emotional conflict. This serves to amplify our responses when we stick our heads up every once in a while and are bombarded by the seeming insanity of an opposite world assaulting us. We either quickly duck back into our comfort zones, or take up arms to attack those opposing our niches we've become so attached to--mostly in self-defense.

There eventually arises a desire to "rise above it all", to transcend the hive minds, and get beyond all the conflict of this Opposite World. This is Nature's way of squeezing our consciousness into present time awareness, and drives us to be mindful and non-judgmental about everything around us. It's the only way out, really, and even though it's difficult, it's certainly preferable to living in a hole in defense mode.

Our lives then become a series of self-awarenesses about our automatic responses developed in self-defense to assaults on our personal values and ego attachments. The door has opened, and now we cannot go back--what is seen cannot be un-seen, and leads to more awareness and more clarity. At some point, there is a reckoning, and in a slow flash we start to see this conflicted world as the birthing of something greater, something inherently beautiful in its becoming--a world where polarities merge into a continuum of necessities, much like the birthing process where writhings of pain morph into the beauty of a new life.

It all needs to be there. It's all happening because it's supposed to happen. All the suffering, pain, agony, joy, glory, and poignancy coalesces into one immense, amazing and glorius birthing event. There are no longer opposites, but spectrums of being--none better or worse, or righter or more wrong than the other. Without the one there cannot be the other, and both are required for what is being wondrously created.

It becomes a matter of dropping all our requirements of what "should be", uncreating all the evaluations, judgements and conclusions about what we see and experience "out there". And by doing so, "out there" becomes "in here", and at last we have a shot at truly creating the glorious world we've always known is possible.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin