Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Quantum Health News

Food 2.0

food The new view of food as information came from mice experiments where it was found that food fed to them profoundly altered gene expression that was then inherited by their offspring. Since then, the field of nutrigenomics has expanded into a multidisciplinary exploration. In essence, the field acknowledges that food and/or food components have gene-regulatory properties whose significance is on par with the primary nucleotide sequences of protein coding genes. In other words, food can now be considered an instrument of gene manipulation.

In this new field of Nutrigenomics, according to Choi and Frisco, "It appears that nutrients and bioactive food components can influence epigenetic phenomena either by directly inhibiting enzymes that catalyze DNA methylation or histone modifications, or by altering the availability of substrates necessary for those enzymatic reactions."

There is likewise a plethora of literature indicating that food agents such as quercetin, a bioflavonoid abundant in fruits and vegetables, kaempferol, a flavonol rich in broccoli, strawberries, beans, tea, and apples, and curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, down-regulate inflammatory responses.

Nutrigenomics, the newfound discipline which epitomizes the informational nature of food, may usher in an era of personalized nutrition recommendations based on genotypes, following in the footsteps of previous schools of thought such as Dr. Roger Williams' biochemical individuality, Dr. Abram Hoffer's orthomolecular medicine, Dr. Jeffrey Bland's functional medicine, Dr. Bruce Ames' triage hypothesis, Dr. Michael Friedman and Dr. Denis Wilson's restorative medicine, and Dr. Michael Gonzalez's metabolic correction.

Food's role as an epigenetic modulator of DNA expression is a powerful demonstration of its informational properties, but this is not the whole story.

Food RNAs, particularly so-called micro-RNAs (miRNAs), are capable of affecting our RNA profiles, making them extremely impactful to our health. They are carried by virus-sized microvesicles called exosomes, secreted by all plant, animal, bacterial, and fungal cells found in all the food we eat, and are capable of surviving digestive processes to significantly alter our gene expression. In 2012, a groundbreaking study by Zhang and colleagues, redefined thr notion of the human species as genetically hermetically sealed off from others within the animal, plant, and fungi kingdoms. In this sense, foodborne exosomes are the mechanism through which all living things in the biosphere are interconnected, reminiscent of a key element of the Lovelock and Margulis Gaia hypothesis.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Not only are we intimately connected with each other, we are also intimately connected with the animal and plant kingdoms (whom we consume), as well as the meta-system of the planet herself. The entire system has a vibration, and by tuning into this frequency (The Schumann Resonance), a greater level of well-being and overall health can be achieved. Use our Schumann Resonance Crystals to uplift your life force in this way.

New Theory that Consciousness Resides in an Electromagnetic Field

magnetic While consciousness is a term that is difficult to define, there is evidence to link it with the EM field of the brain. This EM field is well known and is utilized in many brain-scanning techniques such as EEG that depend on electrical signals. Pulling together research from areas ranging from biology to neuroscience to philosophy, Dr. Johnjoe McFadden author of Quantum Evolution , has published a theory on the nature of consciousness that, if found to be correct, will surely change the way we perceive ourselves and humanity as a whole.

Mc Fadden says, "there is considerable evidence that neurons do indeed communicate through the EM field (known as field coupling)." The CEMI Field Theory (Conscious Electro Magnetic Information Field Theory), to which he supplies significant supporting evidence, shows that the brain's weak but complex EM field allows each cell instant access to the information contained in every other cell in the brain. In essence it suggests that consciousness is related to the EM fields that the body produces, especially those produced by the brain. We do not have to send chemicals back and forth across the brain a zillion times to think a complex thought or process an image; it happens instantly.

Some of the more interesting evidence presented in favor of CEMI Field Theory is contained in a series of studies on individuals using transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. In TMS, an electrical current is run through a coil placed on the scalp of a given subject. This coil generates a magnetic field that penetrates the scalp and influences nerve firing patterns. The side effects on the human test subjects were fascinating and produced a wide range of cognitive disturbances, including modification of reaction time, suppression of visual perception, speech arrest, disturbances of eye movement, and mood changes. But they are not always bad.

Reporting in the journal Science on the work of cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Jordan Grafman, author Laura Helmuth writes: ‘In the past few years, for instance, researchers have found that delivering magnetic stimulation to speech areas of the brain can facilitate people to name pictures faster after the treatment. And rTMS applied to motor areas facilitates lightning-fast movements.

Newsweek notes that the Pentagon is currently sponsoring research to determine if TMS can be used to give soldiers cognitive boosts. Under the theory that if TMS can boost the abilities of patients suffering from depression, it should have the same positive effect on healthy individuals too. This research, for better or worse, again suggests that the EM fields in the body are in fact tangible and alterations in them can have a physical effect on our abilities, both cognitive and physical.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Experiments done at the University of California showed that information sent along standard acupuncture meridians travels 1000 times faster than nerve impulses. This can only be possible through a field of electromagnetic information surrounding the human body. The quantum medicine formulas available at Pure Energy Rx utilize this field to create an entirely new model of well-being creation.

5 Ways Empathy is Good for You

empathy 1. Empathy can save your life. Reading other people can help you to make decisions that are good for you. If someone is screaming, running, and yelling for you to follow, or even has a look of terror on their face, you pick up their fear and immediately tune-in to the situation. This happens physically without even knowing it, and then mentally you become alert and process what is going on. Even if you cannot understand exactly what they are saying, you pay attention. And that can be the moment you run away from a dangerous situation. Survival as a result of reading others is the core of empathy.

2. Empathy connects you to others. Beyond survival, empathy is about feeling and understanding the experiences of others. It connects you to other people in deep and meaningful ways. While it may be centered on figuring out what is going on for the other person, in that process, you nurture the important human need for connection and attachment. Empathy is the way that we feel understood and reciprocate those feelings.

3. Empathy can lower stress. Studies show that when we can regulate our emotions, we are better able to relate to others in positive ways. This is known as emotion regulation, which is the ability to take in the experiences of others without being overwhelmed. This skill is also imperative for us to de-stress ourselves. When we fully engage in empathy, we draw on skills for emotion regulation. In doing so, we are also controlling emotions that can be stressful. Thus, the side benefit from being fully engaged empathically is that we can be exercising good control over our emotions, taking care of our own stress.

4. Empathy is an antidote to burn-out. Losing one's interest and joy at work can open us to long hours of anger, depression, and frustration. Besides leaving us feeling miserable for all those hours we are at work, it is not good for our health. A team of researchers recently showed that the higher a person's empathy skills, the lower their job burn-out. This means that when we build our empathic abilities, we also build our skills at handling difficult work situations, we communicate with others in more effective ways, we understand others, and we feel better understood.

5. Empathy guides our moral compass. Perhaps larger than all of us is our moral code of conduct, that is, how we treat others and expect to be treated. Empathy helps us identify what we consider to be acceptable behavior. When we create rules that make us safe, protect us from those acting badly, and take care of those less fortunate, we are using empathy to guide those codes. Empathy is a foundation for the moral behaviors that create healthier communities, from which all of us benefit.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The stress response of "flight-or-fight", greatly reduces the ability to empathize, setting us up for more stressful and dangerous situations. To interrupt this cycle of stress-on-stress, use our E-1 Stress Relief Formula. It re-sets both the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems, eliminating the need for flight or fight.

Health & Healing Hack of the Week

The Inner Smile

innter smile This is an ancient Taoist practice, where you put your attention on an area of the body and have it smile back at you. For example, there is a pain in the right knee. Observe the pain, and then have the knee smile back to you. You may find it frowns first, but continue until there is a smile. You'll notice a marked decrease or subsiding of the pain, and perhaps some gentle throbbing in the area. This is a sign the energy flow has been restored. This is an excellent practice to do upon morning waking. (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)

Quantum Healer of the Week

Shayna Hiller

Shayna Hiller Shayna has been leading unique wellness retreats around the world for over a decade. She is a certified 500 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She is originally from New Jersey, but lived and learned in the jungles of Costa Rica for five years of her early adult life. This is where she experienced her most significant healing and personal transformation. It is both Shayna's passion and privilege to share her wisdom and methods to make healthy vibrant living accessible, easy, inspiring and fun. "Despite choosing to stay relatively small for many years and wish away the word ‘entrepreneur', my yoga and meditation practice surprisingly carried a similar message. The message was: 'You are not necessarily who you think you are. In fact, you are not your thoughts. You can re-birth yourself moment to moment'. Esoteric or not, this idea that my future does not have to be a product of my past and that I have full control to take a new action, believe a new thought, and that I can pave a new path, were ringing so loud, I could no longer ignore it." -- Shayna Hiller WEBSITE

Clean Sweep: Instant Relief from Negative Energies
clean sweep Clean Sweep was developed in the laboratory by a team of quantum physicists. They were researching a way to clear unwanted energies or frequencies from the lab in order to make testing more accurate. In the process of this research, they discovered a way to infuse ionized water so that when sprayed into the environment, it neutralized all forms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and even deadly Gamma radiation. Later, in human trials, Clean Sweep showed the remarkable property of also neutralizing negative emotions and feelings in humans, and was able to reduce stress response not only in humans, but also in animals and even plants. The effect of Clean Sweep is immediate, as it swiftly calms the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. Great for contentious business meetings, family get togethers, upset infants, stressed out pets, and even house or garden plants that have been shocked. Clean Sweep is also extremely effective in clearing energies from doctors' offices, yoga studios, healer treatment rooms, car rentals, hotel rooms and aircraft. Clean Sweep is also an excellent self-treatment aid that creates a "bubble" of zero-negative space, making it much easier to meditate or concentrate on a task. The effect lasts approximately 3-6 hours, and with a few spritzes into the corners of a room, the space is cleared. Check out the Clean Sweep testimonials, and give Clean Sweep a try! Clean Sweep is available in three sizes and a concentrate, with case prices available. MORE INFO / ORDER

Meditation Technology from IAwake
iAwake iAwake's unique approaches to session design entrain both our nervous and our subtle energy systems, by combining traditional entrainment methods with newer applications based on the power of resonance. In addition to increasing intelligence, creativity, flow, and skillfulness in practically any activity that requires the human body-mind, with iAwake Technologies, we enter into deep healing brainwave states almost immediately while listening to these audio tracks. We are living in the golden age of understanding the human brain: neuroscience has learned more about the human brain in the last few years than in the previous 5,000. We now understand that the brain is an incredibly evolutionary and dynamic living system that is truly the most complex and wondrous organism in the known universe. We have discovered that the brain is capable of growth and transformation throughout our lives and has the capacity to keep functioning at ever-higher levels. Download free meditation tracks here!

"Stone for Spiritual Journeying"


Spiritually: Creates a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms during spiritual journeys. Allows information to be transmitted from the spiritual realm. Helpful in metaphysical workings at all levels. Enhances intuition and prophecy and shows you the way forward for your spiritual growth. Facilitates deep karmic healing. Links to the higher self. Enhances visualization and deep meditation. Carrier of the Akashic Record. Used to heal the "healers."

Emotionally: Alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. Releases suppressed emotions. Allows uncertainty to be tolerated.

Mentally: Reduces stress, releases mental blockages and negative thought patterns.

Physically: Possible potent detoxifier; may work on the respiratory system, allergies, skin problems and regeneration of the mucus membranes, brain disorders, connective tissue repair, and much more; may be useful for going to the root cause of the problem.

Trinity Zeolite Elixir is on sale till 1/30/19 for 30% off with discount code ZEOLITE30

This Quantum Life

From Grumble to Humble

self-love It was "one of those mornings" when I swung my feet from under the blankets onto the cold floor. I found myself grumbling about just about everything--it was cold, my arms hurt, I worried about money, I despised the errands I had to run, and damn it, I'm GRUMPY!

I made a point of going extra slow, in some sort of protest to myself and the Universe about irritating minutia, that, later, wouldn't amount to a hill of beans. And the fact I was grumpy about THAT, made me grumpier. I just was having a hard time snapping out of the polarized mind-warp I found myself in.

Coffee. That'll do it. I made a pot, and sat down at the computer with the steaming cup o'cheer, still irritable, but far off in the distance I could see a glimmer of better moods ahead.

I skeptically decided to listen to a meditation I received in my email inbox from Emmanuel Dagher, entitled, "Activating Your Money Magnet"--I could feel weird resentments and more grumpiness rising up, but I went ahead and listened to the 20-minute meditation.

It was actually not bad. Mainly, and thankfully so, Mr. Dagher focussed on the essentials: self-love, honor, and respect. I sat, sipping my coffee and listening, and there was, finally, a shift, and I snapped into non-duality, leaving the grouchy-grumpies behind.

Mr. Dagher pointed out that "everything that happens to us is for the good". As Pollyanna as that sounds on the surface (especially when you're pointing a grumpy finger at the Universe), from a cosmic perspective it is truth. It is too easy to pick up the thread of habituated monkey mind thinkity-think and the "fake facts" of discomforts, pain, and worries on top of completely baseless fears, that we lose track of this basic truth.

The love of and in our life starts with the self. If we don't love ourselves, we literally cannot love our life, and thus the things, people, circumstances and events within it. To love self is to honor self, and this can be a hard one.

How often is it that you make what seems to be a "mistake", only to find out later it was actually not a mistake, or by the making of it, you discovered something valuable you didn't know before. There really are no mistakes. Sure, there are mis-calculations, errors of judgement and such, but these are only so because of our perspective.

From a cosmic view, everything that happens is exactly what is needed for a higher expression, or frequency of existence. We get glimpses of this "greater world", and yet have difficulty with the navigation to it, as though the vision of it requires physical movement or doing. This is not necessary. This greater world is the world where you love and honor yourself.

Go ahead. Imagine your life where you always love and honor yourself. You feel pain, you drop something, you injure yourself--all these are opportunities to honor the process of the experience. These things deepen the experience of self, and result in greater compassion for your life and the lives of others who may be having a much tougher time of it. By honoring life and our place in it, we can feel gratitude, and that gratitude faces us towards the cosmic gateway of a greater life, and a higher world for all.

I finished my coffee, and rose from my chair, only to knock the empty cup off the desk on to the floor, intact. I paused to honor the event, and smiled.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Quantum Health News

Your Words Change Your Brain

words In the book, Words Can Change Your Brain, Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist, and Mark Robert Waldman explained how the things we say can and do affect our minds. They wrote that just one word could influence the expression of genes that regulate our stress on both a physical and emotional level, which is quite true. The more positive we are the less likely we are to be stressed.

"By holding a positive and optimistic [word] in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin t woo affect other areas of the brain. Functions in the parietal lobe start to change, which changes your perception of yourself and the people you interact with. A positive view of yourself will bias you toward seeing the good in others, whereas a negative self-image will include you toward suspicion and doubt. Over time the structure of your thalamus will also change in response to your conscious words, thoughts, and feelings, and we believe that the thalamic changes affect the way in which you perceive reality."
A study from back in 2013 actually proved exactly as stated above. You see the language we use has the power to literally reshape the way we see the world and in that "change our brains." The outlook you have on life or your "dispositional attitude" can make you either love life and the things around you or hate literally everything. Have you ever heard someone that made your stomach sink? This happens to us all at one point or another and while we don't like to admit it, is proof that words are far more powerful than we tend to reveal.

A study carried out by Positive Psychology took a large group of people ranging in age from 35-54 and asked them to write down three things every night that went through their minds during that day. Then from there also an explanation to that. Over the course of three months, they did this daily and noticed an increase in happiness. Even when they had stopped with the experiment these people still saw benefits to their moods ad they were reflecting on positive ideas and emotions because they had actually managed to "change their brains".

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, one of the world's leading researchers on happiness, if you want to develop lifelong satisfaction, you should regularly engage in positive thinking about yourself, share your happiest events with others, and savor every positive experience in your life. If you use your language--your inner dialogues and your conversations with others, words, your speech – to engage in optimism and positivity, you will find yourself moving in a more life-enhancing direction.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Mindfulness is a major key for handling negative self-talk. Much negative self-talk is caused by stress, creating a "fight or flight" response in the nervous system. This can very effectively short-circuit any mindfulness strategies. Use our E-1 Stress Relief formula to bring the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems into homeostasis, bringing you out of stress-induced fight or flight into a self-assured calm, from which mindfulness exercises can be the most effective.

Desire Directly Affects What You See

Desire Even when looking at everyday objects, our perceptions can be deceiving. According to the New Look approach, first propounded in the 1940s by the influential cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner, perception is largely a constructive process influenced by our needs and values. Recent research has provided some evidence for this: in 2006, psychologists Emily Balcetis and David Dunning, then at Cornell University, reported that an ambiguous figure tended to be interpreted according to the self-interest of the perceiver. They now show that the desirability of an object influences its perceived distance. In the new study, 90 undergraduates were made to sit at a table across from a full bottle of water. Half of the participants were randomly assigned to the "thirsty" condition, and given a serving of pretzels to eat. The rest were placed in the "quenched" condition, and told that they could drink as much of the water as they wanted. Both groups were asked to indicate how long it had been since they last had a drink, how thirsty they were and how appealing the bottle of water was. Finally, they were shown a 1-inch line as a reference, and asked to estimate the distance between their own position and the water bottle.

The participants who had been given pretzels to eat during the experiment reported feeling thirstier than those who drank the water, as would be expected. They also rated the bottle of water as being more desirable, and estimated the distance between themselves and the bottle to be smaller than did the quenched participants. Their state of thirst had influenced their perception of distance, such that the water bottle was perceived to be closer than it actually was.

Balcetis and Dunning asked another set of students to estimate their distance from a $100 bill. One group was told that they could win the money in a simple card game; the other was told that the bill belonged to the experimenter. In this case, the first group find the money more desirable than the first. Again, both groups were asked to estimate their distance from the object in question and again, those who had been told they could win the $100 bill reported it as being closer than those who were told it belonged to the experimenter.

The researchers then asked a third set of participants to complete a survey, and told that it had been designed to assess their sense of humour. Each then watched as their response was graded; half of them were told that their sense of humour was "above average", and the other half were told that theirs was "below average". The surveys were then clipped to a stand, and each participant was asked to estimate how far away it was. Those given positive feedback estimated the stand to be closer than those negative feedback.

These findings demonstrate that higher order psychological states can have a significant effect on visual perception. Specifically, they show that our desires have a direct influence on the perception of distance, such that desirable objects are perceived to be closer than they really are. This mechanism would serve to guide behavior in the optimum way, by encouraging the perceiver to reach out and acquire the desired object. Further research into this effect is needed, however, as there are other situations in which the opposite could plausibly occur. Undesirable objects which might pose a threat--such as a venomous snake, for example--might also be perceived as being closer than they are so that one can escape quickly.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Focusing the imagination persistently and consistently creates the quantum entanglements necessary for the actualization of our desires. Use our Success & Achievement Elixir to assist in creating the focus and charisma you'll be able to use for actualizing your dreams.

New Theory: Consciousness Arises from Vibration

vibrations For the past decade, psychologists Tam Hunt and Johnathan Schooler at the University of California, Santa Barbara have been developing a new theory on the nature of consciousness that they call the "Resonance Theory of Consciousness": it's all vibration.

In a piece written for The Conversation website, Tam Hunt gives an overview of their theory: The central thesis of our approach is this: the particular linkages that allow for large-scale consciousness – like those humans and other mammals enjoy – result from a shared resonance among many smaller constituents. The speed of the resonant waves that are present is the limiting factor that determines the size of each conscious entity in each moment.

As a particular shared resonance expands to more and more constituents, the new conscious entity that results from this resonance and combination grows larger and more complex. So the shared resonance in a human brain that achieves gamma synchrony, for example, includes a far larger number of neurons and neuronal connections than is the case for beta or theta rhythms alone.

All things are in motion, all things vibrate. When vibrating things are in close proximity to one another they begin to resonate. That is, the frequency of their vibrations sync up. This results in phenomena such as the orbit of the moon synced with its rotation so that only one side is ever visible to the earth. This is called spontaneous self-organization.

Building off the work done by Pascal Fries, a German neuroscientist who was explored brain waves and how they relate to different states of human consciousness, and the theory of "panpsychism"—-the increasingly allowed-into-the-conversation idea that consciousness did not arise through evolution, but is an intrinsic part of the universe—Hunt argues that large scale consciousness is the result of ever increasing resonance as matter organizes itself from a single atom (itself, they argue, conscious, though at a small scale) through more and more complex iterations until it makes a complex system that looks like a man typing into a computer about the nature of his own mind.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Consciousness, at the very least, is connected to everything we perceive--each other, humanity at large, the planet, the galaxy, the universe itself. It is our mis-use of the mind and misapplications of the ego that cause distortions and suffering. That is why Dr. Yury Kronn developed his new subtle energy infusion of the Schumann Resonance. This energy helps realign with the planetary frequency, allowing more peace of mind and general wellness.

Jumper Cabling

jumper cabling A standard practice in Jin Shin Jiyutsu, involves simply holding one finger with the other hand. Each finger is an energetic equivalent to the major organ systems. The key is to hold each finger until a pulse is felt both in the finger and the hand holding it. Sometimes, this may be immeidate, and at other times it may take upwards of 20 minutes to detect a pulse. The pulse response verifies that the energy meridians are connected and energy is flowing. You can also hold the fingernail of each finger under the pad of the thumb. A pulse will be detected in that way as well. This hack is an easy and effective way to stabilize energy flows throughout the body. (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)

Quantum Healer of the Week

Jean Wiley

Jean Wiley Jean is highly sought after for her one-on-one coaching and has worked with over 4,000 clients from all walks of life--everyone from executives to artists, doctors to entrepreneurs and therapists to creatives. "I have been a professional astrologer, human development professional and energy researcher since the mid-90's. My entry into the research of energy began early when I started experiencing precognitive dreams in childhood. At 10 years of age I picked up my first astrology book and from there my insatiable curiosity lead me to study Jungian Psychology, intuitive development, Quantum Physics, precognitive dreaming, channeling and more! Through the years I have honed my intuitive/psychic abilities and frequently draw upon them in my work with clients. My ability to identify and dismantle challenging childhood experiences fuels my compassion to support others to integrate their own life challenges. The astrological chart provides a template that I utilize in tandem with my intuitive predictive abilities. I focus on Soul Purpose and making Conscious Choices in this terribly interesting journey called life." WEBSITE

Clean Sweep: Instant Relief from Negative Energies
clean sweep Clean Sweep was developed in the laboratory by a team of quantum physicists. They were researching a way to clear unwanted energies or frequencies from the lab in order to make testing more accurate. In the process of this research, they discovered a way to infuse ionized water so that when sprayed into the environment, it neutralized all forms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and even deadly Gamma radiation. Later, in human trials, Clean Sweep showed the remarkable property of also neutralizing negative emotions and feelings in humans, and was able to reduce stress response not only in humans, but also in animals and even plants. The effect of Clean Sweep is immediate, as it swiftly calms the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. Great for contentious business meetings, family get togethers, upset infants, stressed out pets, and even house or garden plants that have been shocked. Clean Sweep is also extremely effective in clearing energies from doctors' offices, yoga studios, healer treatment rooms, car rentals, hotel rooms and aircraft. Clean Sweep is also an excellent self-treatment aid that creates a "bubble" of zero-negative space, making it much easier to meditate or concentrate on a task. The effect lasts approximately 3-6 hours, and with a few spritzes into the corners of a room, the space is cleared. Check out the Clean Sweep testimonials, and give Clean Sweep a try! Clean Sweep is available in three sizes and a concentrate, with case prices available. MORE INFO / ORDER

Protect Yourself from New Rollouts of 5G Cell Towers
gem elixir EMF, or electro-magnetic fields, are pretty much everywhere within reach of a cell tower broadcast. This "electro-smog" has deleterious effects on the human bio-energetic system, directly interfering with the mitochondria and their electrical communications throughout the body. EMF's have been researched intensely over the past 30 years, and their adverse affects on the human immune system, reproductive system, and nervous systems, is well-documented. This situation is soon to ramp up considerably with the roll-out of widespread delivery of the 5-G broadcast for smartphones and other devices. Due to the higher frequency and power of the 5G signal, it reaches into the realm of frequencies that directly affect human cognition and other brain functions. Our Vital Force Transformers create a field around devices where they are placed that neutralizes the harmful component of an EMF broadcast, transforming the energy into beneficial frequencies for living things. This breakthrough technology has been extensively tested in laboratories by scientists. The transformers have been able to neutralize Gamma Rays--some of the most lethal of radiations--under laboratory conditions. The EMF "strips" are thin enough to mount under any smartphone case, and come in two sizes--one specifically to fit smartphones, and a larger one for such devices as routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any Vital Force Transformer. ORDER NOW

"Stone for Spiritual Journeying"


Spiritually: Creates a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms during spiritual journeys. Allows information to be transmitted from the spiritual realm. Helpful in metaphysical workings at all levels. Enhances intuition and prophecy and shows you the way forward for your spiritual growth. Facilitates deep karmic healing. Links to the higher self. Enhances visualization and deep meditation. Carrier of the Akashic Record. Used to heal the "healers."

Emotionally: Alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. Releases suppressed emotions. Allows uncertainty to be tolerated.

Mentally: Reduces stress, releases mental blockages and negative thought patterns.

Physically: Possible potent detoxifier; may work on the respiratory system, allergies, skin problems and regeneration of the mucus membranes, brain disorders, connective tissue repair, and much more; may be useful for going to the root cause of the problem.

Trinity Obsidian Elixir is on sale till 1/30/19 for 30% off with discount code ZEOLITE30

This Quantum Life

Disclosure and Consciousness

USS Enterprise Some of you may know about my deep interest in Disclosure. I first heard about it around May, 2001, when Dr. Steven Greer held the first official Disclosure Press Club Event in Washington, D.C. However, before that, through the 80's and 90's, I grabbed up everything I could find about extraterrestrial visitations, and came to the realization that we are far from alone in this galaxy and in this universe.

Then, on Sept. 12, 2001, the group I had founded, The Northwest Disclosure Project in Portland, Oregon, hosted Dr. Greer for an event in Portland, well attended by over 900 people. I was able to hang out with Greer, and he made himself candidly available to the "insiders", assailing us with the "latest" Disclosure info from his "deep state" sources.

Fast forward 18 years to the current state of the Disclosure art, and we find that some YouTube channels about Disclosure have far more viewers than mainstream media outlets. And the call for "Full Disclosure Now" is being sounded by such high profile researchers as David Wilcock and Michael Salla, as well as whistleblower insiders as Corey Goode, Laura Eisenhower, and Emery Smith. This movement has really taken off since the release of the documentary "Above Majestic", which presents the extreme development and mind-boggling extent of a long-running secret space program engaged in by several governments around the world. Add to this the announcement by President Trump of the formation of a "Space Force", that brought the Disclosure people to their feet screaming--"There already IS a space force!!" Other cooler heads see that announcement as more "soft disclosure" by yet another world government.

For those of us who have been following the extraterrestrial "UFO" phenomena for most of their lives (I remember reading George Adamski's Inside the Spaceships when I was a pre-teen), the idea of advance civilizations commuting across the galaxy and visiting Earth, was really not too much a stretch. In fact, the more I sat with the idea, the more it made sense--based on the sheer mathematics of time and space the universe represents.

For awhile there in the early 90's, I entertained Terence McKenna's view that UFOs represented the extreme human need to meet and greet a Greater Other, to the extent that humans will hallucinate extraterrestrial flying objects as proof to themselves of this mysterious and unknowable Greater Other. In McKenna's psychedelic view, such things as flying saucers were essentially constructs of the human imagination--as he himself did experience.

As time wore on, and more and more information got released by whistleblowers deep inside these covert and compartmentalized "black" military projects--often putting their lives at risk--I snapped out of the McKenna hallucination into a much more bio-centric view of the universe.

In 2007, biologist and M.D., Robert Lanza, first published the theory of the biocentric universe, which is quickly gaining acceptance in several scientific circles. The theory states that the Universe is created by living consciousness, and that biological life as we know it is far more the rule than the exception throughout the universe.

Other experiments such as the "phantom DNA" test, by Russian physicsts, showed that when photons were applied to a single strand of DNA, once the DNA itself was removed, the light itself remained in the double helix pattern. This suggests that the entire universe is infused with a sort of energy matrix that exists to create and sustain life.

Now, put these concepts together with hundreds and thousands of reports of ETs and their craft, and it really isn't a stretch to believe. In fact, any good researcher has to also be able to spot media bias and manipulation by vested commercial interests, not to mention well-documented C.I.A. MK-ULTRA mass mind-control experiments from the 50's (up to the present), and the whole Earth/ET contact thing stinks to high heaven of cover up.

Of course, we're not the only humans in the galaxy; of course there are advanced technological societies interacting all through Earth's human history; and of course, deep forces of powerful vested interests would want to control commandeered non-terrestrial technologies for the control of and power over unsuspecting citizens of Earth. These are really no-brainers.

Destiny But it's not the point I want to make. Human consciousness is on a steep trajectory of evolution upward, and the thrust of the evolution is an expansion of consciousness into cosmic awareness that we are all ONE with the universe. Science is showing that there are energetic electrical connective filaments running throughout the solar system and even between galaxies, where energy is exchanged on a vast level across unimaginable distances. And we have access to all that connectivity. Evolution is exterting inexhorable pressure upon the human genome to expand consciousness WAY beyond where we have been culturally trained to be focussed (or distracted).

The significance of acknowledging awareness of non-terrestrial life, is to connect with the rest of the living universe. It is an evolutionary imperative. I would go so far to say that to deny the existence of living, breathing, building, traveling civilizations beyond our solar system is to deny our own destiny.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin