Sunday, January 28, 2018

Quantum Health News

The Mind is in Another Dimension

dark matter There is an unsolved mystery in neuroscience called the "binding problem". Information comes together and interacts in the brain more quickly than can be explained by our current understanding of neural transmissions in the brain. It thus seems the mind is more than just neurons firing in the brain. Researcher, Dr. Dirk K.F. Meijer, a professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, has turned to quantum entanglement and tunneling for part of the answer.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which particles appear to be connected over vast distances. When actions are performed on one of the particles, corresponding changes are observed on the others simultaneously. Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon in which a particle tunnels through a barrier it shouldn’t be able to according to classical physics. These quantum phenomena allow for processes so rapid, they can’t be explained with classical physics. So they may help explain ultra-fast subconscious mental processes.

If the "mind" or mental field could interact with the brain this way, it could be a step toward explaining the rapidity of mental processes. Additionally, Meijer said the mental field is both non-material and, at the same time, physically part of the brain: "The proposed mental workspace is regarded to be non-material, but in relation to the individual brain, entertains a non-dual wave/particle relation according to quantum physical principles: it is directly dependent on the brain physiology but not reducible to it."

Meijer hypothesizes that the mental field is in another dimension: "That we cannot directly perceive this information aspect is traditionally ascribed to a hidden fourth spatial dimension … which cannot be observed in our 3-D world, but can be mathematically derived." The mind would exist in the fourth spatial dimension.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Laboratory experiments on nerve-brain communication demonstrate that information cannot travel at the speeds observed, but is traveling in another sub-atomic realm. Our E-4 Formula enhances this communication throuughout the body.

Get high on Dopamine

dopamine Dopamine is the brain’s master “pleasure” chemical. This single neurotransmitter is responsible for a plethora of mental and physical processes. By learning how to stimulate your own dopamine levels naturally, you can overcome depression, anxiety, apathy, and fear, while boosting feelings of pleasure created by this amazing little neuron. We have a certain number of dopamine neurons in the brain, and they are smaller than other neurons, making up less than 0.0006% of the neurons in the human brain, but we can stimulate the powerful nerve bundle in the brain that links dopamine neurons with their targets in the forebrain.

  • Exercise - Elevates dopamine D2 receptors in the brain. It also happens to increase serotonin, and other endorphins in the body as well.
  • List and Check Off Accomplishments - The brain dumps a little dopamine every time we successfully accomplish a task.
  • Foods - The essential amino acid, tyrosine is a precursor for dopamine. Eggs, Green tea, Milk, Watermelon, Coffee, Almonds, Bananas, Dark Chocolate, Yogurt
  • Reduce Your Lipopolysaccharideds - They inhibit the production of dopamine. By eating foods which protect the gut, such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and taking probiotics, you can lower your lipopolysaccharides, and allow dopamine to be created with ease.
  • Music - Has been helping people feel uplifted since Paleolithic times--because it stimulates dopamine production.
  • Get Creative - And you’ll be rewarded with higher dopamine levels.
  • Supplement - L-theanine, Curcumin, Ginkgo Biloba, Acetyl-l-tyrosine
  • Meditation and Yoga - Can effectively alter brain mechanisms that allow for bigger dopamine dumps.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Alongside taking action to enhance dopamin levels, is a way to lower stress levels, which also cancel out the effects of dopamine. For instant relief and immediate clearing of a space, use our amazing Clean Sweep Clearing Spray, and feel the instaneous relaxation.

Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease

apps Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human health. Here are some of the areas researched:

  • Immune Disturbances - Two thirds of studies examined report ecological effects of electromagnetic radiation, and researchers state that, "current evidence indicates that chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation, at levels that are found in the environment, may particularly affect the immune, nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems".
  • Induction of Stress Proteins - Electrosmog at both an extremely low-frequency (ELF) or in the radio frequency (RF) range has been found to stimulate a cellular stress response, leading to expression of stress response.
  • Aberrant Anti-Microbial Response - Researchers published a study in Nature Communications showing that non-ionizing terahertz electromagnetic radiation altered immune responses.
  • Derangements in Vitamin D Pathways - Research shows that Vitamin D Receptor pathways are susceptible to interference by electrosmog.
  • DNA Effects - It has also been proposed that EMFs can interact directly with electrons in DNA, so it is not a stretch that EMFs could interact with the electron transport chain in mitochondria. This concept is supported by a study where pulsed electromagnetic radiation (EMR) resulted in alterations in the ETC, leading to adverse metabolic changes, cellular hypoxia, and increased generation of oxidative stress inducing free radicals such as the superoxide anion.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Fortunately, shielding from harmful EMF radioation is now available. Our EMF Transformers have been developed and laboratory tested to transform the harmful components of EMF into bio=enhancing energies. We also carry the Vital Force Crystals that you can wear for sustained EMF protection.

Neutralize EMF Pollution with EMF Transformers
EMF EMF Transformers counteract radiation overstimulation from all electronics, including the latest smart phones. Modern cell phones barrage the brain with electromagnetic radiation—shown in laboratory tests to cause overstimulation in parts of the brain. Research shows that Energy Tools International EMF Transformers actually counteract the effects of radiation-caused hyper-stimulation in the brain. They give you this ability for your own benefit and for all your family members. Optimized with scientifically-tested Vital Force Technology, EMF Transformers counteract the over-stimulating effects on the brain of all smart phones--even the newest and most powerful ones. What's more, they're effective on all electronic devices that emit an electromagnetic field! You'll definitely want to order some today for every device you own! Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off! MORE INFO / ORDER

Tune In to the Mystic Broadcast of Oneness...
MBN Did you know we now have a radio station? Tune in! In addition to challenging podcasts, we feature the best in "Cosmic Chill" music tracks. The Mystic Broadcast Network exists to help develop and usher the Earth Human Culture into the advanced Galactic Society that has been watching humanity's development for millennia. The Mystic Broadcast Network features educational information and news about such topics as Extraterrestrial Disclosure, Consciousness Research, Remote Viewing, Mind-Body Medicine, Cultural Spiritual Development and Quantum Technologies--all of which we will need to advance considerably to be welcomed by our interstellar and inter-galactic neighbors. The Mystic Broadcast Network exists to bring hope for a higher, more generative society, unencumbered by violent conflict, economic disparity, militaristic control and manipulation. Humanity is better than that. We all can tune in to the Mystic Broadcast of Oneness emanating from every point in the Universe, and choose a better world. TUNE IN

"Stone of Regeneration"


Spiritually: Stimulates expanded awareness and past life recall. Cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. Balances and stimulates the development and movement of the Kundalini.

Emotionally: Inspires love and devotion. Dissolves ingrained behavior patterns. Fortifies, activates and strengthens the survival instinct, inspires love and devotion, alleviates emotional disharmony.

Mentally: Helps to release useless, old, or obsolete ideas.

Physically: May help regenerate the body and stimulate the metabolism. May assist spinal and cellular disorders. May purify and reenergize blood, heart, and lungs, may help regenerate DNA.

Trinity Garnet Elixir is on sale till 1/31/18 for 30% off with discount code GAR30

This Quantum Life

We Are All Masters

I was moved to put in my two cents on somebody's Facebook post. She said, "Should I end a relationship because I have spiritual aspirations and my partner doesn't?" I've seen this sort of post several times lately, and it brought to mind something my shaman teacher was trying to pound into my furry head years ago: "If you are incarnated here on this planet, then you are already a master."

I tossed that back and forth in my feeble brain for years until one day I realized that I was being taught by a seven-year old, and shortly after, someone I had classified as a "jock" and completely non-spiritual.

The crux of this matter is that however a person shows up to us, they are a reflection of our own judgements and conclusions--our own separation anxieties, fixed ideas and values. We tend to overlook the fact that they are having a similar experience down here on the streets as I am, and even if they haven't been paying attention to the same things I have, doesn't mean they don't have something to teach me.

Cosmic Towncrier, Bashar, talks about people being "ashamed" or feeling downtrodden because they incarnated into this life, as though it was some sort of sentence or reason to be discouraged. He says, "This is FAAAAR, FAAAR, FAAAR from the truth. The truth is, everyone here on this planet is very advanced spiritually. Otherwise, they wouldn't have attempted this challenge."

Science is now coming to some understandings about how the brain and mind work together, and the complexity and multi-dimensionality of it boggles the mind. Research has revealed brain geometries that can only be mathematically expressed in 10 or more dimensions. And, that the mind interfaces with the brain from another non-3D dimension.

All this multi-dimensional positioning can certainly create an existential crisis, even in the most stable of us. Overlay cultural programming, social mores, and family values and it's a wonder that we all aren't wide-eyed, babbling, slobering, idiots (although I do feel like that sometimes)...

Back to the original concern about a partner "being spiritual" or not--it's really the wrong question. It is more accurate to ask, "Is this person generative? Do we contribute and expand each other? Now, what that looks like may or may not be "spiritual" in the mundune sense. Yet keep in mind that appearances are moot when it comes to spiritual development, and that development can be stimulated by anything--a handicapped person, a prom queen, a dog, a bird, a flower, a rock, a sunset. It's what we mirror to ourselves that creates the experience of spiritual expansion.

The key is to be mindful of what we are mirroring and projecting. Let it show us unconscious patterns and un-developed perceptions. In this way, our time on Planet Rock here can reap some true rewards, only attainable by us earthly masters.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Quantum Health News

The "Slow Life" Movement

slow life The pace of modern life often keeps us so busy that we have no time for the little things that bring us the most joy — hobbies, an evening walk, expressing our love for each other. We don’t have enough time to live our lives. The Slow Life movement has existed for over a quarter of a century and aims to promote a more healthy, meaningful lifestyle which overcomes this problem.

1. Be alone with nature - Nature is a source of energy, harmony and beauty. When people are in harmony with nature, they forget about their problems and learn to listen to their heart.
2. Enjoy silence - Silence can help you feel different, more positive, and understand yourself better if only for a few minutes a day.
3. Do what you love - When you do what you love, isn’t that true happiness?
4. Recreation in moderation - The desire to diversify your lifestyle often turns into an overload of different impressions. Do one thing, but really experience it fully.
5. Communicate in real-life - Face-to-face contact has been relegated to "face time". Enjoyable socializing releases oxytocin, the pleasure chemical in the brain.
6. Appreciate the taste of what you eat - Chew to liquification, slowly enjoying every bite.
7. Make relaxing a priority - Take a few minutes to just sit and breathe. Consciously relax your body from head to toe.
8. Be a little spontaneous and without a plan - Just follow the queues given to you by your mood.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Often, without realizing it, the demands of our responsibilities and logistics put the body into a "fight or flight" response. Modulate this hyper state down by using the E-1 Stress Relief formula--a great tool for slowing life down to be enjoyed.

The Assemblage Point

assemblage point The Assemblage Point is a tube-like bundle of light energy contained within our energy field, which flows through the front and back of the energy vortex known as the heart Chakra. Situated within this heart centre, the AP is known to be the “Seat of our Consciousness”. The Assemblage Point lies at the epicenter of your energy field in the area of the heart chakra. It’s position dictates how you feel, perceive, and behave in the world. A centered location equates to a centered existence. It is called the Assemblage Point because we are assembled in the womb from the umbilical cord that connects us to the placenta of our mother. The major input of energy enters the developing foetus via the navel.”

The Assemblage Point is the main place where our energy field connects with our physical body. The assemblage point is directly connected with our life force energy. It lies in the centre of the chest at the nipple line. The assemblage point is slightly higher on women than men. At this point lines of energy pass through the chest and out of the back. The assemblage point is actually a cluster of energy lines. Where these energy lines enter the chest there is generally a tender or sensitive area of skin with a diameter of 0.5 – 1.0 cms. The clustering of lines of energy at the assemblage point creates a stronger energy potential compared to other areas of the energy field. The position of the assemblage point has a direct effect on our physical and psychological health. When is correctly aligned we will feel positive and happy. We will be healthy and interact well with other people. When the assemblage point is out of alignment we may feel unwell or anxious. We may be lacking in energy and feel that life is constant struggle. (From the book "The Catalyst Of Power" by Jon Whale)

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our Vital Force Crystals, worn on a chain so that they position over the heart, stablizes and strenghtens the assemblage point. This is great for increased immunity, charisma, inner strength and stability.

The Muscle of Intuition

intuition Intuition is our first instinct; it’s what we feel right away before the mind has time to come in and consciously analyze. Often times we hear of people who are near death, and everything becomes clear and they just instinctively know exactly what needs to be done to get themselves out of the situation; there is no time to hum and haw and weigh options, and intuition takes over, if we let it.

You know when you get that “gut feeling” that maybe something isn’t right? That is your intuition, and while we feel it in our gut or stomach area, many people often argue it comes from the heart. Gerd Gigerenzer, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and author of the book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious, claims we can be both intuitive and rational:

In my scientific work, I have hunches. I can’t explain always why I think a certain path is the right way, but I need to trust it and go ahead. I also have the ability to check these hunches and find out what they are about. That’s the science part. Now, in private life, I rely on instinct. For instance, when I first met my wife, I didn’t do computations. Nor did she.
Intuition itself doesn’t equal intelligence, but intuition with action most certainly can be intelligent. You’ve probably said it to yourself before, "I knew that was the answer; I should have went with my first instinct." You see, this is an example of how your intuition often knows what your conscious mind does not. But, just as Gigerenzer says, he tests his first instinct to see if it was correct and often time it is. So, despite often having that great idea, do you find that you have a difficult time trusting this answer or path is correct? The amazing thing about intuition is that it can be thought of as a muscle. Every time you use it and trust it, it becomes stronger. So, if you feel your intuition isn’t very clear, try strengthening this muscle. Next time, act on the first idea that comes your way , and see how often it leads you where you need to go, or gives you the right answer. You may be pleasantly surprised.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our Cosmic Eye Meditation Elixir increases access to intuitive information, making it much more clear and actionable.

Neutralize EMF Pollution with EMF Transformers
EMF EMF Transformers counteract radiation overstimulation from all electronics, including the latest smart phones. Modern cell phones barrage the brain with electromagnetic radiation—shown in laboratory tests to cause overstimulation in parts of the brain. Research shows that Energy Tools International EMF Transformers actually counteract the effects of radiation-caused hyper-stimulation in the brain. They give you this ability for your own benefit and for all your family members. Optimized with scientifically-tested Vital Force Technology, EMF Transformers counteract the over-stimulating effects on the brain of all smart phones--even the newest and most powerful ones. What's more, they're effective on all electronic devices that emit an electromagnetic field! You'll definitely want to order some today for every device you own! Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off! MORE INFO / ORDER

"Stone of Regeneration"


Spiritually: Stimulates expanded awareness and past life recall. Cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. Balances and stimulates the development and movement of the Kundalini.

Emotionally: Inspires love and devotion. Dissolves ingrained behavior patterns. Fortifies, activates and strengthens the survival instinct, inspires love and devotion, alleviates emotional disharmony.

Mentally: Helps to release useless, old, or obsolete ideas.

Physically: May help regenerate the body and stimulate the metabolism. May assist spinal and cellular disorders. May purify and reenergize blood, heart, and lungs, may help regenerate DNA.

Trinity Garnet Elixir is on sale till 1/21/18 for 30% off with discount code GAR30

This Quantum Life

Getting Onboard with Difficulties

If you've lived any time at all as a modern adult, and if you take a moment to reflect on the successes and difficulties you've encountered, I'm pretty sure you'd have to admit that there are some pretty active self-defeating habits we have developed. It's really not our fault. We have been taught by example for generations. But there is one "bad habit" that, to me, stands out from all the rest: Not seeing difficulties and setbacks as opportunities.

There are very good reasons why difficulties are, well, so difficult. First, they hurt. The pain is either emotional, or sometimes literally physical. Second, they usually seem to be coming at us from outside our experience or expectations--they seem to happen "to us"--out of our control.

Third, and perhaps the most appalling, is that some of these difficulties are "on repeat", as though some subsonscious program is calling the shots completely outside of our awareness or control. And this is true, for the most part, but it's not the whole story.

When a pattern of problems or difficulties happen "to us" repeatedly, the first thing we do is start taking it personally--as a sort of personal attack on us by life. We know this isn't really true, but it sure seems like it is!

Teal Swan addresses this quite eloquently in her video, "F*ck The Law of Attraction." (see YouTube) In it, she points out that when unwanted things happen to us, it makes us a magnetic match to more unpleasantness. The apparent purpose of this setup is for us to recognize the unwanted pattern and then to change it. The problem is that there are two points of magnetic attraction: one is your temporal or physical self, and the other is your higher or non-physical, spiritual self--both of which are subject to this "Law of Attraction".

For example, you are dealing with recurring financial problems. In this LOA universe, the higher self sees learninig about poverty as a way to discover the way to financial freedom and abundance. Meanwhile, the temporal self is vibrating in poverty, pulling even more poverty in, making it harder and harder to see the light at the end of the financial tunnel.

The way through this seeming "Catch-22" of experiencing poverty and having the universe reflect it back to you with even more poverty, is to start "getting onboard" with the poverty experience. This does NOT mean to try to experience more poverty--your higher self is already doing that! The idea here is to reframe your poverty experience down here on the ground as an opportunity to express gratitude for the progress you are making toward financial resolution and freedom. With each experience of poverty, the universe is waiting for you to match that frequency by resisting it. When you do not match the frequency by expressing gratitude for it, there's no point to continuing the poverty exercise. There is no engagement or entanglement with the poverty frequency, so it is neutralized.

Now, by allowing these poverty experiences, and by not reacting with negativity to them, the universe comes to understand that you no longer need or require these experiences. You are free to be financially free.

By acknowledging this particular mechanical property of life, when unwanted circumstances occur, there is very good reason for expressing gratitude. These events are leading to the highest, most generative life you truly desire. By expressing gratitude in this way, Life starts reflecting that gratitude back to you with your higher desires.

Beyond gratitude, you can also call on the spiritual light we all have access to. Call it in to engulf whatever repeating unwanted circumstance you are experiencing. This adds to the neutralizing effect, and makes it easier to experience gratitude. Mindfulness is a pre-requisite for this type of practice, so observe your thoughts and feelings when these unwanted experiences are occurring, so you can then remember to feel gratitude and send in the light as your sword.

By getting "onboard" with your difficulties is the most direct way to resolve them.

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin